That's a good question. There are people out there who will tell you they are committed to you, devoted to you, then they'll walk up behind you and stab you in the heart.
The Good Citizen said:If you really want to meet someone you have to ask yourself some questions..
Do I like myself, if not what can i do to change to improve the opinion I have of myself?
Do I put myself in enough situations to meet new people or do I spend the majority of time at home on my own?
If I meet someone I like do I have the guts to ask them out?
Do I set my sights too high in terms of what I'm looking for?
Am i a people person, do I take time to listen to people and develop relationships so that if I meet someone I know how to interact.
My point is a BF/GF doesn't just fall out of the sky. You have to improve your odds of meeting someone and making new friends, male or female, its the best way to get introduced to new people, a snowball effect if you like.
I know this is all obvious and may offend/cause a reaction of "don't you think I've tried that" its just there is no magic formula, its about putting yourslef in the best position to meet someone that you can. I know this is the most obvious point but be nice to people, no one wants a misery guts, smile show yourself in a good light.
This is all general stuff as it depends on what a persons situation is I just think there are some fundamental questions people have to ask of themselves sometimes. Believe in yourself mainly because if you don't no one else will!
I agree patience is important as it is true its easier to meet someone when you're not looking for it but I also think you have to be proactive and get off your arse and work for it!