L. Lawliet
Lonesome Crow said:Dude....I guess if you havn't done it before it's a challenge.
One of the reasons why you open for her when you enter a resturant is becuase
it gives you a chance to put your hands on her lower back as she makes her way
to the table. (Ask for a booth)..this way you get sit to next to her.
Then you make any kind of excuse to touch her hands. It's just her hands...
you gotta give her time to feel comfortible of you touching her or take baby steps.
Or when you two share menu it's an excuse to lean into her..if she's comfotiable
the next she knows you have your arms around her shoulders as you're reading the menu.
If she taps you or touch you .She made first contacts already. So you gotta stay open
to that and be cool or smooth about it.
If she date you again and if somehow you didn't manage to just hold her hands
while just taking a stroll while window shoping, a stroll in as park or on a boardwalk...etc
Even if you didn't ge t a kiss on the first date...HUG her
Then I don't know what to tell you. You don't have to make any moves...just hold her
hands on the second date.
That's why chivery is not dead.
When you open the car door for her...automatcially you're going to be holding
her hand as you assist her out of the car.
Another way to do it is to go dancing. Hold her hands as you lead her out to
the dance floor. Eventaully when the slow dance comes around....just garb her
hands (don't say anthing) and lead her out to the dance floor again.
Evidently..she can hear the slow music playing.
It's kind of agressive..bascailly you're not given her as chance to say "No"
Plus you're already leading her. She'll feel safe or more confidence becuase you're confidence of yourself.
Anyone can slow dance...lol
mmm...once I get a hold of a woman's hips...she's done
Once you have a slow dance with a woman..it's all down hill from that piont because
you pretty much made full body contacts. You always have to keep in mind...
She's letting you touch her. Just let her get comfortiable of being in your arms or you touching her.
A woman loves to be held...just like you like to be held...Know this.
It dosn't have to be sexual all the time. Just hold her...it's trust building
She's trusting you with her body. Respect her bondaries. She'll let you in
sooner than you think if you repect her.
Hello...?? A woman will want you to spoon her after sex and she'll want you
to hold her before sex. If anything a woman wants you to make plenty of body contacts
with her more than you think...It's just not all about sex.
Don't think about it...especailly if you're watching a movie with her.
Just reach over and hold her hand and play with it sort of.
(if she watching a movie with you already...evidently she's interested already..err)
It just getting her to feel more comfortiable making body contacts with you.
When you lean into her and whisper in her ears or whatever.
Then the next thing you'll know she's resting her head on your shoulders...
Evidently if she dose that...it's only natural that you'll put your arms around her.
Another way to do it is to take her to an amusment park.
When you stand in line with her all day, eventually you'll hold her hands or touch
her from behind when the line is moving. Eventaully she'll feel retarded in front of
a bouch of strangers, hold on to you or hold your hand just to feel safe or not
alone in a crowd. Then just hold her hips from behind as she walking in front of you
or whisper into her ears if your just standing..be smooth.
If she leans back..just caress her and put your arms around her belly.
It actually a natraul thing couples do after a while..you don't think about it. It just
happens or you just do it.
When she gets sick off of a ride, you get to hold her...lmao
Or when you go into a huanted house...it'll give her an excuse to play scared.
When she screams and hold on to you...it's just an excuse for her to make body contact with you.
I guess if you been with a person or in long terms relationships before. Generally
you get used to not having to ask to just hold hands.
Sometimes I'll just reach over and just grab my gf's hands when i'm driving..
Sometimes she'll just reach over and take my hands without asking.
Just like a hug...I hardly ever had to ask for a hug or a kiss...I'll either just hug her
or just hold her whether we're in public or not.
You also get used to hearing a woman telling you she wants to have sex with you.
You gatta learn how to make out with a woman dude...none of that wham bam thank you mam..
Women likes to make out and a lot of foreplay. Romance her.
Seriously...you had nevered walked a girl home when you were in HS ?
I mean after walking her home for months...eventaully you'll hold her hands.lol
You never got sent to detention for playing footies in class with a girl before ?
Errr you end up playing footies with her in detention after school and get to walk her home too.lmao
Seriously....you had never have sex on top of the hood of a car before?
mmmm....it's not like i say "hey honey lets do it on the hood"..lmao
It's more like we were making out and me saying "it okay honey nobody is watching"
That what's cool about when a woman is wearing a dress...
All you do is make out with her..eventally she'll end up sitting on the hood.
Then the bad girl side of her shows up..It depends on the woman. It's part of the excitment.
Becuase when you're a couple...after having sex in the bed room all the time...it loses it's excitment.
Then you start doing it in different rooms or bascailly everywhere...then that gets old..
Then you start acting like teenagers again and start parking or do it in the car to keep up
the excitement.
You had never made out with a GF in the back seat of a car at the drive in before ?
We get braver and braver each time.
mmm..You had never had sex while you were driving before ?
Wow, some great guide here, Lonesome Crow. you should write a book or something