How do you self sabotage?

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Jan 4, 2018
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I know for myself that I self sabotage a lot. I sometimes eat even if I’m not hungry, sometimes leave things dirty for a while and when I need them they’re not available, sometimes I don’t do my skin care or brush my teeth for days, don’t take my vitamins regularly, don’t use my time wisely (e.g scroll on social media instead) etc.
Sometimes I give in to negativity, sometimes I project my insecurities, fight people online and generally don’t do what that girl should be doing (referring to the that girl trend). I’m trying to avoid doing some of this, I really am I swear. But there are some days that I can’t help but let myself go.

So, if you do this, it’s your turn to share how you self sabotage.
The problem with me is avoidance. I don't know if it counts as self sabotage but I tend to leave things undone till very late since I don't want to deal with the fear of failure I get when I try to do anything.
I think everyone does something self sabotagey.

I eat when I'm not hungry sometimes, but that's a good thing with me (I'm underweight). I let things stay dirty sometimes, but it's more to see if my lazy children will actually help me out around the house (They rarely do) lol

I do, however, suck at remembering to take my vitamins. I don't reach out enough to my friends. I don't do enough fun stuff.
I follow dark little rabbit holes in my mind, places that I know are completely wrong and illogical if I stop to think about them, but I don’t. They are based on silly little things that get overblown in my head - like an innocent comment from my husband turns into a crisis of ‘he doesn’t love me anymore,’ even though I know this couldn’t be further from the truth. Over the years, I have gotten much, much better at resisting these kinds of futile mind trips, but I sometimes have a tendency to follow them despite my best efforts not to. At my heart, I am a deeply insecure person.
In the habit of initially being cold and distant with people as a way of preempting them not liking me. It might have saved a few humiliating experiences but it's also destroyed dozens more opportunities.
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In the habit of being initially being cold and distant with people as a way of preempting them not liking me. It might have saved a few humiliating experiences but it's also destroyed dozens more opportunities.
Same here.

But in my case (and maybe yours too, but I'll only speak for myself), I think that behavior is wired into my brain due to how I was treat daily as a kid in school from K through 12.

I am not sure that type of "wiring" can be reversed, and even if it can it would probably require some type of psychiatric drugs, which I am 100% against.
I saw what they did to my former best friend, and I would never take them.
I think a lot of us self sabotage ourselves, mine comes from social anxiety. To avoid going out places I just order things online even though I could go to local stores, Amazon is virus. Lately, to combat this, I've been price comparing and if it is cheaper at local stores I make myself go out and get it. Doesn't always work because it is just easier, and saves on gas, to just order it and not go out and have to be around people. Yesterday I did go out and shop for stuff, I even had to ask for help and talk to someone. I've done that a lot this week, I had to get my car serviced, I called and scheduled appointments to get my car oil guarded, and to get an eye test because I really need new glasses, and I went to the junkyard to see if they'd buy some spare parts off my old car. It wasn't that bad.

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