Okay... I can tell you as a girl - size really doesn't matter. It might, to some... Like already mentioned... But we're not all the same
I've been a part of "girl talk" and surprisingly many said the "larger than average" actually hurts... Unless they love pain for pleasure, it is not as desirable as some think. I dibs personality. They could have the "sexiest man alive" look with the "larger than average" penis, but if they are a real ******** (no pun intended) I would never want to be around them!
I say... If she really cares about you... And I mean CARES... She is for one, not going to pressure you into sex. And for two, won't care. Because she loves YOU, not your appendage.
I say... If she really cares about you... And I mean CARES... She is for one, not going to pressure you into sex. And for two, won't care. Because she loves YOU, not your appendage.