DayvanCowboy said:
I did go to counseling twice this past week, but the guy fell asleep once and didn't really give me any good insight the second time.
That is disgusting mate. You seriously need to find another counselor. I hope you did not pay him for it, Not that, that is the most important thing here but still. Falling asleep. Just inexcusable.
DayvanCowboy said:
Please understand that at this point in time I have nowhere to go to.
Of course we understand. Most of us are in the same vote here. And I know where your coming from with unloading your problems on other ppl that have there own problems. But that's kinder how this place works. The idea is that we all pull each other fro the hard times. So we hopefully are a little help when where feeling OK and you are a little help when you are OK . And Vice-versa.
You have done nothing to have to apologise for. Am just glad to see you post.
I have my own place so I don't have to check into a motel to try and **** myself up. I can do that at home and still be left alone. I did once try and drink enough to hopefully find the bottle to end it. The plane was to do it with some rope from the Attic Joyce. Lucky for me I can't take my drink and did the same as you and ended up passing out on my spar bed in front of the Computer. I awake about 5 in the morning still fully clothed and weirs the where for it. But after I got over the hangover and felt a bit better I did seat myself down and ask myself some serious questions. It was at that point that I realized that life is not all that long. The days can be but the years or not. We all end up gone anyway. Plus its just hard work getting your self into that kinder state. It really leave you feeling riped out big time. I think I just learned to become a little moor relaxed about things and not to beat myself up to badly when I mess up. Cos we all do. Am far from perfect and don,t always treat ppl with the respect that they deserve and I take things to hart when ppl don't give me the respect that I deserve.
But now I realize that am not perfect and have faults its OK. Cos I also realize that I am normal. Well, as normal as anyone in this world is. what is normal anyway?
Its not nice when you feel unwonted by the world. Of this I know all to well. Its one, if not they most horrible feeling there is. You can only be yourself tho. You can do nothing else. We well all make mistakes and do things that we regret. This is how we learn to grow.
You don't need to thank anyone. Am sure everyone here well look at the fact that you posted as thanks enough.
Stay cool man and try and stay relaxed about stuff. Getting your self all eaten up never helped anyone, lest of all yourself.