Naleena said:
People come here because some of them are hurt, lonely, and some don't have a lot of confidence. The last thing they need is to be bashed for something they can't help- thier gender.
Quite right, Naleena! (love your name btw)
That's a great way to put it.
Naleena said:
I know some women are heartless. Some men are heartless and I've had my share of them. I've had my heart broken to the point I quit keeping count. I've been lied to, cheated on, and taken advantage of. But I will never blame the entire gender of men for a few heartless men. No, I know there are many good men and I'm not about to blame them or make derogatory remarks about them for something they had nothing to do with or because they have penises.
Good point. I'm actually not as heartless as I wish I was when it came to women. If I was more heartless, I would have much less pain (and for some reason (ironically enough) girls would probably flock to me). But I think that I wish I were more callous simply
because of the bad experiences I've had with women. Id really like to just not be on the receiving end of it for once... (lesson learned: nice guys finish last).
But you're right, I can't blame the entire female gender for the pain's I've had (on the other hand, getting to know any female is so much worse now as a direct result of my experiences...).
Now, I've become somewhat more more patriarchal since my ex... but the very fact that your words touch my heart, Naleena, should count for something I guess.
maybe I'm really not the bastard I think I am...
...oh no, wait, I am. That's right. I forgotted.
(side note: Recently, I've begun to theorize that women and men are two completely different races from one another, instead of differentiations on the same (human) race; males are one thing, females another... the fact that they are anatomically correct is probably just lulz.) lol
EveWasFramed said:
lol, and you can't be THAT're not even going to blame it 100% on the opposite sex! lmao And you're admitting that some of the "fault" may even lie at your own feet, unlike someone else here on the forum.
Well now... that makes me feel better (especially coming from a female). Thanks.
(P.S. I loved your spamming on the other thread, it was hilarious! lol)