Yes, all the time.
I'm trapped with a curse. A curse of misery. Everyday is the same, I rather die. It sucks, alL this time, you are hoping. You wait, like your building up a dream. Then one day, you realize, that was didn't exist In the first place.
You realize that eVerything you did was for nothing, a failure. I kept looking for a friend, someone who understands mE, someone with a good personality. Someone different from everyone else. Someone to make me happy. Someone with hove and happiness and wants to share it. The person in my dreams is only in my dreams.
All the pain and nights of crYing yourself to sleep was for nOthing. You can't fit in anywhere. YoU feel awkward all the time. Only time you feel normal, is in youR safe haven. away from everyone and everything.
There is nothing worse, then realizes years of waiting and hoping was for nothing. I see a girL who fits my type of personality, realize she judges me, and that doesn’t like me, even after just one look at me. I have no attractions, so I am nothIng. I thought there was love, I thought I did have a Future. I don't. I don't stand a chance with a girl, never have and never will. It's painful. When I see someone I like, it hurts. It bothers me. I know that I can never be with that person, and no doubt she already has a girlfriend. Most girls do, and they don't realize how lucky they are. I'd give anything to be thEm.
Everyday is the same. Even though I do different things everyday, it still feels the same. No one knows what it's like, everyday for me. No one has a clue, most don't even care. I guess that's all I have to say. If it's anything it's that. I hope someone can understand that, and maybe someday, someone would finally understand me.
Just someone misunderstood.
Bud "Aspie" Borden.