I feel like crying ;-;

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eviloreo said:
To base your entire trip on one (maybe two) statements like that would be a mistake : / Espically if he was tired or cranky (which us guys will never admit) or if you were being annoying that night or something.

Your thingy you pasted said 1:23 pm. assuming your east coast time (or mt, probaby not pacific) and the site is set at 8:07am (what is that? greenwich?) and its probaby sunday morning for him he's probaby pretty tired and said something stupid.

I had a girlfriend once and she asked me a question when i was dead tired, the question was "am i pouchy or a little fat?" Now she was fine, not extremely skinny but definetely not fat. I said pouchy and yea she took that as an insult and hung up on me. Looking back the answer even if she was fat was "no your skinny" but i was tired and said something stupid. Give it a day and talk it out : / and give him a break ~.~

Give him a break? Well, I've been giving him breaks...and he sleeps all day and stays up to insane hours. When we talked I believe it was around 6 something PM his time. If I were to say something to that degree to him he'd get upset with me and mope around about it.

I understand where you're coming from and I don't expect him to be "perfect" or to cater to my every need, but it doesn't take much to say "Oh yes it'd be great if you came over here, although its ultimately up to you whether you're going to or not". He comes off a bit too "cold" at times. I know how he can be and he knows how I am. I at least work around how he is and chalk most things that bother me up to that, but when it comes time for him, he doesn't seem to do the same.
whats what im trying to say which your not understanding ~.~ yes it seems like it doesnt take much to say "oh yes it'd be great if you came over here" but its not taking it "cool" : /

Its like if i was to ask you out to go see...... quarantine today, on a saturday and lets say i asked if you wanted to go wedsday and you said yes. Saturday comes around and now your calling to see what time and which movie theater to go to, and who's driving or are we meeting there and you: "hey imma go check movie times" and im sitting here going, "eh....... after.... dinner? eh.... yee..... ahhh.... *grunt grunt*"

When i did have close friends it was like that and i genuinely wanted to go but didnt care much for when, or what movie time, or where, or even what movie. If it happens it happens was the mentality i had and those friends understood that. Now there were some friends who wanted detailed plans it seems and yea... didnt click well which helped lead me down the path i am today.

Now im not comparing getting together for a movie to a planned trip to england, that would be unfair, but im just saying i think thats the mentality he has atm. If i was in his shoes, yes i probaby geneuinely want you to be there in england with me but if you want detailed plans or push me to do something which i really dont feel like atm then cancel if you want.

"Im going to play it cool and just chill and if it happens it happens but yes i want you there." I know i know it sounds werid but thats at least my train of thought on it if he and i are on the same brain waves
eviloreo said:
If it happens it happens

If I may be so bold, this philosophy is the death of lasting love :-\

I could be hoping for a word from my love for a week, and then when I get antsy I might write her about it. What has she been doing? definitely not thinking of writing me. If I write her, its one thing, but her take time out of her schedule to do something for me? Preposterous.

(bad explanation perhaps, I'm horribly jaded now because of this type of thinking).

"I love you today because the sun is shining, but I have no thought for tomorrow..."

yeah.. um...okay then. You do that.
i think people over think the concept of "if it happens it happens."

Things like breathing "happens" just because

You love someone when its shining and you may have no thought about it tomorrow (i guess you can say taking it for granted) but you still love them. at least thats my take on that
eviloreo said:
whats what im trying to say which your not understanding ~.~ yes it seems like it doesnt take much to say "oh yes it'd be great if you came over here" but its not taking it "cool" : /

Its like if i was to ask you out to go see...... quarantine today, on a saturday and lets say i asked if you wanted to go wedsday and you said yes. Saturday comes around and now your calling to see what time and which movie theater to go to, and who's driving or are we meeting there and you: "hey imma go check movie times" and im sitting here going, "eh....... after.... dinner? eh.... yee..... ahhh.... *grunt grunt*"

When i did have close friends it was like that and i genuinely wanted to go but didnt care much for when, or what movie time, or where, or even what movie. If it happens it happens was the mentality i had and those friends understood that. Now there were some friends who wanted detailed plans it seems and yea... didnt click well which helped lead me down the path i am today.

Now im not comparing getting together for a movie to a planned trip to england, that would be unfair, but im just saying i think thats the mentality he has atm. If i was in his shoes, yes i probaby geneuinely want you to be there in england with me but if you want detailed plans or push me to do something which i really dont feel like atm then cancel if you want.

"Im going to play it cool and just chill and if it happens it happens but yes i want you there." I know i know it sounds werid but thats at least my train of thought on it if he and i are on the same brain waves

Ok I see what you're saying. However, I wasn't asking him for detailed plans or trying to press him for anything. He's been acting different lately and has seemed quite distant, and was mentioning today how he's waiting to get back home on break to rest up as he doesn't care enough now at uni to bother to try to fix his sleeping habits/problems. Because of this, I asked him if he still wanted me to go ahead and make plans, because I thought if he wants to take it easy, then maybe me going over there won't be such a great idea, as I'm going to want more than he might be able to give, which would be a wasted trip, but I didn't want to make assumptions either, so I asked.

We've been together 4+ years, and we generally know each other quite well. Well enough so I know when to give him the space he needs and well enough so he should know when he says things like he did earlier today, that that hurts me, and that while its not really a right or wrong statement, it is wrong when he knows me, and knows that I'll be upset by it. I'm a romantic person, and I can't help it if I like a little reassurance. I've done things and changed myself a little to compromise for him, like learning how to not be so jealous at times, proper amount of space to give him, not press certain issues too much, etc. It's not like I ask him to read my mind; I just about wear my heart on my sleeve and am open about how I feel and what I like. He's not stupid, and while I see what you're saying about "playing it cool", it's not that. After 4 years I'm not sure why he'd want to or have to do that. It's not like he has to impress me anymore.

I don't want you to think that I'm trying to argue or anything. I apologize if I come off as huffy or anything, and I understand you're just giving me your input in trying to help, and I am most grateful for that. I will never say never, and you could very well be right, it just doesn't really feel like that's the case for him, or the whole case anyway. In any event I want to thank you regardless for at least offering your point of view, as it is helpful and a different angle to look at.
Don't cry. There are tons of men like him on this planet. He also sounds depressed by the way.
ClosetGeek said:
Don't cry. There are tons of men like him on this planet. He also sounds depressed by the way.

Yes, he probably is. Usually when he is, there isn't much I can do, and the one thing I can think of (getting on cam and "entertaining" him) I'm definitely not in the mood to do anytime soon.

I was crying yesterday because a few suppressed thoughts and feelings came to the surface, and it scared me to have to face thoughts about if I'm really happy with him or if he's really the one, etc. Being with him for all this time, all the memories, and focusing on a future with him, it's really hard to fathom anything else. I'm just really confused and torn. Not just because of that one thing he said yesterday, that was more like the final trigger. Just tired of the exhausting ups and downs, and not sure if I can do this forever. I wish he'd compromise a bit more on his side, but I'm not going to force him to change, so I've got to figure out what to do.
Sorry if this offends Estreen, but he sounds an undeserving bastard.

Having loved and lost myself, I find his attitude towards you ****** in the extreme
eviloreo said:
has anything improved between y ou and him since yesterday? o.0

No...not really. He contacted me once last night with a "Muah, hope you're feeling better now" which while I was happy he contacted me, he showed no ownership to the fact that he hurt me and didn't even say he was sorry. It was more like he acted like nothing even happened really, which is the equivalent of sticking a band-aid on a festering infection. The "convo" was very short lived, as was the one today, which was more like "What are you up to?" "How are you?" etc, etc. Again, no mention of "Well, about the other day..." or "So, about you coming over here..."; nothing. I know we need to eventually talk, and I'm quite positive he realizes this. He's just hoping it'll all blow over and that I'll just roll over and pretend that everything's okay, like I have done at times in the past, but I'm not this time.

RobertJW said:
Sorry if this offends Estreen, but he sounds an undeserving bastard.

Having loved and lost myself, I find his attitude towards you ****** in the extreme

Well, he's not a "bad guy" just...I think...has different priorities maybe or feels differently about love, I don't know exactly, but it seems that there is just something that's not exactly "clicking". I don't think it's personal, its just that...I think he's just used to kinda getting what he wants, and likes things to be brought to/done for him, and I'm tired of that. I'd like to have a little pampering once in a while, or have him show some damn enthusiasm for seeing me. This long distance relationship may suit him quite well, but it has always been a struggle for me.
Pleasure and pain exist equally. Have you ever heard the expression that for lovers to fight is good as the making up part is good?

But there is the sense that we do not want petty drama and headgames. If you don't control the process of pleasure and pain, it will control you.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and moderation is the key.

More importantly what is the level of the love you both share for each other? Is it balanced and equal or does one love more then the other. Be prepared to down or up the volume and live in balance.
Catharsis said:
Pleasure and pain exist equally. Have you ever heard the expression that for lovers to fight is good as the making up part is good?

But there is the sense that we do not want petty drama and headgames. If you don't control the process of pleasure and pain, it will control you.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and moderation is the key.

More importantly what is the level of the love you both share for each other? Is it balanced and equal or does one love more then the other. Be prepared to down or up the volume and live in balance.

Yes, I don't expect things to be perfect, and to fight/argue (to a certain degree) is only healthy for couples, but this isn't that. I don't get a full satisfaction out of this relationship. Yes there are times where I'm content for the moment, but there are a lot of times where I almost feel like I don't have a boyfriend, like its more of a title, and I'm in this alone. I feel that we should share in certain things, like seeing each other. I don't believe its so much to ask for, for him to not be so passive when I'm trying to scrape together plans to see each other. We only get to see each other once or twice a year; there's plenty of absence for us, which leaves me longing a great deal more than just making me more fond of him.

Reading this back to myself, it makes me sound like I'm ready to just up and leave him and I don't love him that much, but that is not the case. These are my frustrations that have been built up for quite some time. I don't want to leave him, I want the opposite; I want to make it work. I'm torn, realizing the reality of the situation yet taking into account all the emotions and the idealistic aspect of it all as well.
Follow your heart...

Passion comes and passion goes, as do all desires.
Wanting to stay with someone and bind yourself to them is love.

If you both feel this way then you should be able to work things out.
If you got together in the heat of passion you need to see whether there is any real love there at all.

Now you see why I prefer a high volume affair. The more meaningful it is the greater the potential for a binding devotion.
ClosetGeek said:
Don't cry. There are tons of men like him on this planet. He also sounds depressed by the way.

Call me a extreme loyalist but saying stuff like that only encourges people to move away : /

I do agree that he sounds depressed but would you want him and esteen to feel worse if they were to split? I dunno, i guess i was in his shoes once and i think someone like you came by and gave my ex some simular "advice" that encouraged her to break the relationship off.

Now look at me....

im an Evil Oreo =^.^=

no but seriously that phase of my life really sucked
Well, we finally had a bit more of an actual serious talk today. I still haven't decided if I should stay or go yet for Christmas, but we got some things out and discussed anyway, and it made me feel a bit better. We're talking a bit more like normal now which is also nice. There may be hope just yet.
Estreen said:
Well, we finally had a bit more of an actual serious talk today. I still haven't decided if I should stay or go yet for Christmas, but we got some things out and discussed anyway, and it made me feel a bit better. We're talking a bit more like normal now which is also nice. There may be hope just yet.

Thats good to hear, I'm glad you've had a chance to speak with each other. Hope all goes well for you, especially considering the amount of time and emotion you've already put into the relationship.
Its almost better for relationships to end quick instead of them being long, elaborate tug-o'-war matches. (IMO)

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