Volunteer work is supposed to be an act of giving. If you are doing volunteer work, to get something out of it, you aren't really volunteering, as much as gambling on the possibility of getting something in return for your efforts. And if that's what you are doing, then, yeah, you probably shouldn't volunteer. Not that volunteering, in the hopes of making friends, or what not, is a bad thing; but, simply that, if it's not paying off, why do it?
Not to mention the politics of people, and all that can surround such activities. And also not to mention, a lot of volunteer work is centered around organizations and aims that are possibly completely fruitless at best, or counter-productive to the well being of mankind to begin with.
I think that's kind of why it's best to volunteer for something you A: believe in, and B: are passionate about. The question is, whether it's possible to find such an opportunity at all. Supposing you do find something that satisfies A: and B:, well then, it won't matter if you make friends or not, you will be happy to have helped; and if you do meet people and make friends, that's a bonus.
Working at a soup kitchen seems a pretty neutral and noble cause; though, it may not be worth investing the time, if they don't really need the help, and are well staffed with volunteers already.
Lastly, it takes time to meet people. Supposing you did find agreeable volunteer work, or even paid work, connections won't just fall in your lap. If any connections happen at all, it may take months, maybe even years, before some one comes along who is agreeable and complimentary to your nature, such that, you both desire to get to know eachother more and spend more time with eachother outside of work. And if you are older, as opposed to younger, already your chances are lower, because we become more set in our ways, and established in our lives, as we become older. At least the majority of people do anyway...
So, unfortunately, we can't expect instant results. And yes, when looking at the world from a specific angle, everything seems absolutely corrupt, jaded, and downright malicious and cruel. However, a large part of that particular viewpoint and perception of life, is very dependent upon our state of mind, attitude, and outlook. Sort of like how when you are starving, everything looks delicious, and when you are full, to the point of being sickened by food, all food looks revolting.
Yes, especially now, in these times, the world is a wretched place; but, it's always been a wretched place. At different points in history, it's been more cruel than others; but, it's also always been a beautiful place too. A place with stars, flowers, hummingbirds... A place with deep and passionate feelings and experiences, and very kind and feeling people. A place where miracles and atrocities, co-exist, side by side.
It's okay to be tired though, spent, exhausted, frustrated, and to feel like giving up. It isn't any fun to feel that way, to be sure, but, it's allowable I think...