I hate myself.
AaronAgassi said:Amazing!
If I used the expression: "You speak only to hear yourself talk" naturally, you'd find that recriminating. Because that specifies motive, and perhaps unfairly. So, let me be more precise: Your responses have a certain sameness, because they are from the same recover of stock response within your own mind. -Regardless of your deepest motives.
What remains is how little lonesome actually posted, lonelygirl, for you already to have all the answers!
But lonelygirl, you are not really receiving new messages and the creating there from from new messages in response. This is a parody of genuine communication with content!
And I say this, not to be cruel, but because this is a perfect example of loneliness even within a crowd! And how tragic! Indeed, I'll be surprised if we ever hear from lonesome again. For his was the desperate expression of despair, typical of the hit and run poster. Indeed, I only wish that poor lonesome might linger if only long enough to draw any little comfort from your homilies, lonelygirl. Nevertheless, I also wish that we might somehow rise somehow beyond empty group validation.
Guest said:I guess the reason I am so vague about things is because even though we are all anonymous here, I feel like if I give too much detail I will be exposed.
These are things I am very embarrassed about and even though I dont know any of you in person, there is always that small and probably stupid feeling of "what if they know its ME"? Its probably my paranoia kicking in.