Im so confused

how on earth is this anything to do with racism.
I dont think theres a problem with anyone not wanting to date someone with any health issue, however, in my opinion, its better to know upfront. Racism? No comment on that too controversial for me.
Im so confused

how on earth is this anything to do with racism.
I dont think theres a problem with anyone not wanting to date someone with any health issue, however, in my opinion, its better to know upfront. Racism? No comment on that too controversial for me.
you are not seeing it or thinking deep enough on that area. the race aspect was an example, only. (was only an example) to Illustrate the point, of how individuals select what they like or dislike about others, and why, I did infer that. it’s the same with groups as that’s what we are, in groups, like it or not its a.
fact of life! Also an excellent example of social programming " too controversial for me". ask yourself why? racisam, or even Antisemite yet another B/S term. go off and break the term up (anti ) and (semite). look them up on their own, them put them back into one word. you will see its utter nonesense. Say the same stupid thing enough times, , and people just buy it hook line and sinker in thats how it works ..Psychology fact! ( a jew hater), the term is saying nothing of the sort. its a Misnomer term. You say, you are training to be a counseller, great!! rule 101, question your own Preconceived ideas and opinions. Ok well Employ it ! its connect to this groups thing going on here.
Althuogh I now have a comms problem nowadays, I have been doing this type of stuff for near 50 years, Trained and taught by some of the best in their fields in the world ,in the past! we have to learn to use our God given skills; logic , reason, and deductive Abilities. As our proff 's use say, God has given you this, go off and use it, and so, I only pass their wisdom on!