I've noticed this happening a lot. There will have been a lot of back and forth on a thread and I'll wonder in in my little size 6's and add my thoughts then bang its dead! This even happens with my own topics.
Just for balance I've taken to resurrecting threads from a while back
Seriously though I think I come here at the wrong times. I'll find that I'll start a topic and there won't be much movement then I'll be gone for a while (you know sleeping and such) then when I'm back everyone's been chatting and answering and I find it a bit overwhelming trying to answer everyone or I do and the topic dies (or everyone's already talked out).
Just for balance I've taken to resurrecting threads from a while back
Seriously though I think I come here at the wrong times. I'll find that I'll start a topic and there won't be much movement then I'll be gone for a while (you know sleeping and such) then when I'm back everyone's been chatting and answering and I find it a bit overwhelming trying to answer everyone or I do and the topic dies (or everyone's already talked out).