Took me about two months to know that I had love with my ex fiancee. This whole thing sounds like something I would have wrote 6 months ago. Just be careful, people can change without warning, even if they tell you they love you. It is a good idea to try and find other things in life besides your girlfriend that makes you happy like a certain goal or something you want to accomplish. Just have something else in your life just incase (not saying anything will happen but you never know for certain).
If it does happen and you have nothing else in your life you will be destroyed emotionally. It's like if you want to make a child cry you have to give it something fun it enjoys and take it away from them. That way they know what they had and are missing in there life, than if they never had it to begin with. Once again don't take what I am saying as a negative I just think your entire happiness should not stem just off of one person, trust me I been there and you have no idea the mental pain that will put you through if something happends.