I think my shyness puts guys off

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Call it my 9th sense (dont ask me about my other senses, they are secrets)

but i dont think Panda's Avatar is really her
Bluey said:
I really love the shy type as well. A girl that's to full on really scares me lol

The problem is am shy the shy girls are shy. How are we ever going to meet?

Pretty much my thoughts on the matter.
eviloreo said:
Call it my 9th sense (dont ask me about my other senses, they are secrets)

but i dont think Panda's Avatar is really her

Your saying that pick is how she would like to look? I think that is her. we have no reason not to think that.

I Guss its difficult to see how such a good looking girl could ever have a problem in getting a BF.

Again it goes to show its really not about looks.

and even if ppl like us mutants lol are not the best looking duds. if we can be leas shy then I think we would get a lot further.
Sanal said:
I think its her. I dont have any other reason to belive it isnt:p

Well from her post she seems to describe herself as extremely shy, shy enough to have problems getting to know people. If that is true then why would she have a cellphone? : /

At least i think thats a cellphone

if you are truely lonely (im generalizing here) a cellphone would have little more use then a paper weight right?

And boy does my cellphone make a fantasic paper weight at that ^^;
I think that's just a compact digital camera.

I'm shy and pretty lonely, but I have a cell phone. I do have to call about jobs or college stuff, keep in touch with my boss to coordinate work, and I do have some friends I talk to now and then.

It's the only phone I have. Why have a landline when this can go with me, -or- sit on my table? :p
Panda said:
I've been spending the last few months looking at myself and how I act, how I talk, etc... I'm almost certain that my shyness puts guys off me.

It's like they don't want to be around someone who's quiet and will make the situation uncomfortable so they hang around the loud, confident girls because they make them feel more comfortable.

In the last month, a number of guys have shown interest in me, which is great but... as soon as they get a hint of my shyness, they wander off. I'm trying so hard, to put up this front but it's hard to be a social, confident, happy-go-lucky person when you've got little to none experience in social situations when you're alone all the time. Nobody is understanding or patient, they just get bored and go. I don't get a chance to break through this wall and show them the real me because I'm so on edge that they think i'm quiet or weird. :/

Nothing wrong with being shy, those guys must of been idiots
Jonny said:
From my experience shy girls are great,you just have to try a little harder to make them speak to you,usually Ive found they are more caring and are eaier to have conversations with.
Loud girls are plain annoying.

You are confusing being lonely with being in isolation.
You can be surrounded by people and still feel alone.

Definitely, I agree with every part of your post. Shy girls are really nice and cute, and much more appealing than loud girls (most of the time). It's worse when a guy is shy though, because it's socially unacceptable and not masculine. I always get crushes on the shy girls at school.
Brian said:
I think that's just a compact digital camera.

I'm shy and pretty lonely, but I have a cell phone. I do have to call about jobs or college stuff, keep in touch with my boss to coordinate work, and I do have some friends I talk to now and then.

It's the only phone I have. Why have a landline when this can go with me, -or- sit on my table? :p

hehe i got a phone to look at and call work i geuss... and im stunned if somebody calls me like : Who is calling me and why will they even call? althought only a hand full off ppl got my cell number..
you have been talking to the wrong guys, my friends and me personally like shy decent girls, those are the kinda girls i would love to have a long-term relationship with. dont worry, your dude will come, like lonesomecrow told me, its the "law of attraction" :D
yo, I have the same problem and sometimes it's very frustrating. I'm just looking for someone who will take the time to get to know who I am, and so far, it's been a complete FAIL.
My shyness puts girls off I'm pretty sure. Well really they don't have time to be put off because I'm so shy I don't even talk to girls or even look at them really. Actually...I think I'm pretty much just completely afraid of women.
Shyness makes girls seem attractive but it might just have the opposite effect with guys men are supposed to be confident but thats just standard gender but truthfully I lack confidence
I'm a guy and just wanted to let you know that I do not like loud girls (or loud people in general). I find loudness very unattractive and have always preferred the more reserved type.

I myself am shy and lacking in confidence, and that often turns to anxiety when I interact with people, and I think it puts people off. So I know what you're going through. Actually I think shyness suits a woman better than a man. I actually find it a rather endearing trait in a girl.

Best wishes
A lot of guys would think I'm not interested in them because I'm really shy at first but I cant really act all hyper and stuff unless I get to know them.

You know how you get to know some one online and you're pretty close but when you actually see each other in person is like.. umm hi... awkward moment..
i tend to find shy lasses are more mature and less stupid to do the dumb things cocky lasses do [/obvious ****] lol

but i prefer quiet lasses too i guess, plus if u get to know the shy ones they become more open to you :D

which is quite cool i think, it's like you get a prize for earning trust :)
Hi Panda, according to most guys, they feel awkward when they are with a shy woman. It really bores them especially if they are not that attracted to the girl. But some guys like the shy type. All you have to do is to look for that type of guy too. I know it's hard but that's the right guy for you. But in reality, guys used to notice the physical appearance of a woman first and that's the thing that motivates them to know the woman better to test the compatibility. If he thinks that you two won't jive, he simply gets out of of your life which is a bad attitude of some guys.
It mabey mabey not it would have to depend on the girl im quite shy and im 16 and have dated more girls then most of the guys in my class but even though im shy i still do every thing a guy that isnt shy would do its just more acward for my witch is fine. If the guys shy and stays to himself and is to scared to try anything then i can c how that would be a turnoff.
Panda said:
I've been spending the last few months looking at myself and how I act, how I talk, etc... I'm almost certain that my shyness puts guys off me.

It's like they don't want to be around someone who's quiet and will make the situation uncomfortable so they hang around the loud, confident girls because they make them feel more comfortable.

In the last month, a number of guys have shown interest in me, which is great but... as soon as they get a hint of my shyness, they wander off. I'm trying so hard, to put up this front but it's hard to be a social, confident, happy-go-lucky person when you've got little to none experience in social situations when you're alone all the time. Nobody is understanding or patient, they just get bored and go. I don't get a chance to break through this wall and show them the real me because I'm so on edge that they think i'm quiet or weird. :/

Well its exactly the same for me except im a guy. I never seem to get any interest from women and am so inexperienced and shy in this area that i wouldnt even know if i did. I like shy women its not a turn off for me, probably because i am like it myself. Also considering im so shy and have been my whole life i guess its a big turn off for women. I expect women wouldnt even think i was ever interested in the first place, just makes it even harder for me to meet someone.

I have basically given up on even thinking about trying to ever make a move on a women, i am so used to shying away at a situation like this because of being so terrible at it and having been like it for such a long time that i am just used to being the quiet one in the corner. I do chat with friends like any normal person i am not literally mute but its just when there is someone i dont know or even worse if there are multiple people (especially if to me its an attractive women) i hardly ever get involved in the conversation and i go mute. It does bother me alot though, why would a women even want to be with someone like me? I have started to come to terms with the fact that i am probably going to be lonely for a very long time... some people might just see that as me beating myself up but now i think it may actually be reality for me and it does make me sad.

Maybe you can identify with some of this, maybe not. I thought i would just give you a shy guys perspective when considering this subject.
Shyness is one of the jewel of the woman but when they show over shyness then required, it turns into the trouble for that woman. Which may turn the guys off. It's great is you show the shyness but not show so much such that the boy thinks that you are no more girl to get interested.

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