I didn't read all these posts... haha, but I think a part from a movie applies really well here. The movie is called "Take Me Home Tonight" (great movie) and he's in love with this super attractive and popular girl and asks her one night when they are together on a trampoline, and were kissing or had sex or something, and he asks what she would of said if he had asked her out and she said (in many more words) no that she would have rejected him. This news made him so relieved, because his biggest regret was not asking her out, but he was relieved to find out that in the end it didn't even matter. So I guess, take away from this that you should always take the risks, because in the end, nothing really matters even if it doesn't go well. At least you know. And something to take your mind off of girl troubles is to focus on self improvement. I find that fairly helpful.