Hi, I'm new, again... sorry... dunno how to quote
First thing I noticed reading your post is that you said loner, lonely, or alone, about 93 times
Try not to use this term so much as you will undoubtedly simply come to identify yourself as that and nothing else. Being a loner - by choice or by nature - is just one trait. That one trait does not define you.
Is it the way I speak?
I seriously doubt it but I can imagine you may think so. Everybody hates their own voice.
Is it the fact that I can't hold a normal conversation because I have nothing to say?
You should take heed on what the others have advised. If you have nothing to say now, and do nothing for another twenty years, you'll still have nothing to say when youre 40. Dont just look for hobbies you enjoy, look into hobbies youve never tried. Thats where you'll really find interest. Having no hobbies means you've an ocean of self discovery befoe you. Dive in, mate! There's something out there for everone. If you think thats cliche its because its true. Team games. Dragonboating is an epic team sport and where me and 5 other strangers became proper besties. I was 35 when we met. Its never too late to try out hobbies, but its never too early either. Come out that comfort zone because thats the limit of your potential. The more you come out of your comfort zone, the bigger your potential becomes.
Is it because I am naive so I don't have experience to talk about anything?
See above. Naivety doesn't come into it I don't think.
I am open minded but how do you converse with people with common topics when you know nothing about the topic?
I don't usually. This is my que to go the bar, nip the loo, oooooor..... ASK THEM TO EXPLAIN IT! Listening is more important than yapping. Don't underestimate it. Having someone explain something to you is a fantastic means of imviting yourself into a conversation. People like explaining things. Especially men. Ask the girls, you'll see!
People love being teachers. Listen to tjem. Don't just hear. They will teach you what you don't know. But also, dont take it for granted
Go home and double check on internet before passing it on. Perhaps when you see that person sometimes you might have some opinions of your own.
I feel like there are very few people that enjoys what I do.
What do you do? Being alone is not an activity, buddy. When alone, draw, write, read, learn, learn a new language!!! Its not hard and will impress people. As above, you can then help me ppl learn aslects of this new language on a trivial, yet entertaining basis. I am also an awful dancer. I am so bad i literally dance just to get a laugh from people.
The next friends I want to make.
I have to show them by good side and hide the bad (loner life). But the thing is, once I open my mouth people instantly knows I am a loner.
There is no loner voice. All loners look different, sound different, and act different.
So I think it's being I am bad at conversing or socially awkward.
Find hobbies. Go out. Do things that make you feel awkward. When we feel awkward its due to inexperience. The more you expose yourself to an awkward situation, the less awkward you will feel. The way ahead is awkward buddy, but remember, every situation you are in wont be your last, and the next time you will be better.
I have self respect.
Then respect you have much homework to do. All the above, mate! best of luck