If a sweet was found in the middle of a pile of *******, you wouldn't eat the sweet. So why do they get away with ignoring all the parts in the bible about say, incest, paedophilia, the fact it's okay to murder someone else and so on..don't need to look far to have that same stuff crammed down your throat by people who bash the bible, lol, so I wont get into it.
I hate religion..I'll respect peoples opinions and beliefs naturally, I'll never hate someone for being religious, but the way I look at religion is it's basically teaching people to live their life as an audition for getting into heaven/some other nice place once you die. That's just not right.
I'm..I dunno how I feel about same sex stuff, really. We certainly don't need help surviving as a species so a couple of "stray sheep" here and there aren't going to damage the stock, really...so that argument isn't valid. I guess I just view it as slightly unnatural...but there are many other things that aren't natural as well that humanity likes to do too, so..it's a hard point. I generally try not to think about it - generally, it boils down to the people...I find I can get on with homosexual males and females if they don't flaunt it, or...well, I dunno. Flamboyant gays pretty much cover it, I just find it uneccessary...like bronies. It's okay to like My Little Pony, but when you force it on others and generally try to act like you know it's wrong and you know people dislike it, then it gets difficult for me. Generally, attention seeking BAD genuine love and care GOOD, in my opinion.
As for the hypocrisy and dumbfucked logic, that's basically always going to happen when a large amount of people all worship the same thing, but have different opinions. Some priests are cool, some are zealous, and some like to tell everyone gays should die. Those religious nuts **** ARE GOING TO HELL - GOD HATES **** - *** IS SIN if you've seen them..there's no need for that, it's just zealotry...sure it's okay if you honestly think that..are you gay? No? So go home. Why does it matter if I'm gay? Does that somehow make your life harder to live somehow? Yes? How then? Because you're incapable of letting go of anything? It's not my fault you can't get over the fact I'm gay...let it go? ETCETERA.
I guess in some ways priests and such have a mini-right to complain because marriage in some circles is considered a religious binding? Maybe. I know you can get married without a priest and such, or religion being a part of it...I guess in some ways priests can deny religious weddings for same-sex couples because their boss says it's a horrible, horrible thing...but it's still pretty silly.
Just like racism. Different skin colours, no major genetic differences. OH I HATE YOU FOR BEING DIFFERENT, YOU HORRIBLE EVIL PERSON YOU!
Okay I've gone WAAAAAY off track, so just before I post; sorry if I completely missed your point and topic, and sorry if I offended you, or anyone else. Nyah!