blackdot said:The solution to all of this is they need to ban all relationships.
This sounds completely reasonable.
blackdot said:The solution to all of this is they need to ban all relationships.
SophiaGrace said:blackdot said:The solution to all of this is they need to ban all relationships.
This sounds completely reasonable.
Badjedidude said:I don't give a **** who marries whom.
Personally I think marriage is a ******* stupid idea. NOBODY SHOULD GET MARRIED.
bulmabriefs144 said:Btw, God is a shemale, not a "He". They just called "Him" that because "It" is impersonal.
Take that in mind when you start setting gender norms for marriage.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:I believe in both science and religion. I feel many people are foolish, one way or the other, because they reject one side. There is truth to both sides: something had to have created the big bang, but there had to be evolution that carried it from there. We aren't beautiful accidents, or freaks of nature (well, some of us are, but that's besides the point!)
What this has to do with getting married, I don't know. Marriage has NEVER been about religion. Atheists can marry, Jews can marry, Satanists can marry. Pretty much every formation of a man and woman can get married...so if you take God out of marriage, aren't you left with the same thing as Christians claim homosexuals are? If homosexuals are against God, what are atheists? And plenty of atheists who are married.
This whole thing is just plain sad. We are and never have been, a Christian nation. We weren't formed on Christian principles. Our founding fathers were atheists, and Jesus was Jewish. If people want to claim that the age of Christ was what America stands for, then we are a Jewish nation, and Christianity is a flawed concept.