I would go back to the 50's. LOVE the 50's. The beginning of rock 'm' roll, the amazing icons (Betty Page...Love her! Marilyn Monroe....Love her! Audrey Hephburn...Love her!) I love the rockabilly pent up scene. And last but not least.....when the maker of the best guitar ever, Les Paul and his wife Mary Ford were music sensations! Love them!
I would want to go and experience the day the Kid was born again. That was an amazing experience and I discovered things about me I never knew I had. I've never felt more protective, more vulnerable, more loving, and more scared than that day. It was an awakening.
I would travel back and change my life for the better if I could. If I could turn back time so I was a lot younger. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, my whole life is pretty much a mistake. I would make it better and worth something.
Another time period for me would be around 60 CE for the Battle of "Watling Street" to assist Boudica in sending Rome back from whence they came like Germanic trives did in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest around 10 CE. I would like to meet Catherine Sforza too since I have a thing for mean, cruel, azz kicking warrior "queens."