If you're here just to talk

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That's why I'm here. I don't spend a lot of time socializing with people my age, or adults in general. In the summer I'm usually taking classes, during the school year I'm definitely not around people my age. :) I miss talking to others and so I am here to chat. If you'd like to talk about general "stuff", recent tv show, etc, please talk. If at some point this thread goes into rudeness or becomes mean-spirited, I'm going to stop in this thread, and start another.

I do hope others join me in just talking about every day things.
teach said:
I don't spend a lot of time socializing with people my age, or adults in general.

Hi teach,

Neither do I.

Are you going on vacation this summer? I can't afford to go anywhere, but last year I went to Washington D. C. I went alone, of course. A young lady I cared about kind of made fun of me for going alone and that hurt very much. Next time I vacation alone I will not tell anyone but my immediate family. However, I had a great time, and would have hated to miss such a great opportunity only because I had no one to go with.

So, are you going anywhere this year? Ever been to D. C.?
Hello Guest,

I travel a lot by myself. Feels odd as well, to go alone, but has been easier the more I do it. I do go to movies, etc alone. I haven't been to DC in a long time. My kid sister went a couple months ago, I was so envious that I didn't have the time then to go with her. I get email alerts for discount, last minute travel packages, and I'm always going through the ones for the quick jaunts to Europe. One day I will just up and go.

I do intend to run off to the beach some time before school starts, and take my daughter. Still not adult time, but would definitely not leave her behind. I could sit and listen to the ocean for hours.

My usual vice is to read, a lot. It's a good thing that I actually like to read. :)

Thanks for sharing!
Hello teach.
I don't tend to mingle with others well, either. Ironically this is a good start if you ever want to chat with me since we share common-ground. We wouldn't be here if we didn't. :)

If you ever would like to chat on msn, my addy is in my profile.
Take care.
Hi teach and Styx,

we have lot in common...I travel lot by myself but dont have any one to share with..I am interested to chat with you ..

Aim maximummiro
Nice to see you, Guest.

What cool places have you been to? I guess the biggest trip I've ever made was many, many years ago (6) to Austria during Christmas. I traveled with my daughter and the man I was seeing, who was from there, to visit his parents. I loved it! I have always been in love with European castles and ruins. I often travel to the beach with my folks. I would like to venture out further soon, like making a trip to DC, just to walk around.
You must be approximately the squillionth person to ask me that question. :)

No, I was thinking of a nickname for my MMO character on a game I used to play when I heard a greek mythology documentary on TV, talking about the river Styx. Behold.

So yeah. Neat huh?
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and assume you teach for a living? :eek:
Yes, Styx, I apparently thrive for the obvious. :)
Do I get a prize for being the squillionth???
I am a teacher. I did teach mythology in my 7th grade ancient history and world religions classes, so I do know of the river Styx as well as the band. :)
I am now, and have always mainly been, a math teacher, still middle grades. Oh, as as a math teacher, gotta say, "squllionth"?????? ;-)
Hi teach. I'm a teacher as well (junior high science). Ashamed to say that math was never my best subject lol. Ah Styx one of my favourite bands. Do you like rock music? How many zeroes are in one squillion? lol. Hope I don't have to pay a consultancy fee for this lol. I like to read a lot of stuff on science moreso biology oriented.
Hi Cooljohn,

Actually, my tutoring rate is $25 an hour (minimum), so I will send you a bill. :)
Yes, I like rock music. I stick to the 80's, don't know too many after that. How long have you taught jh? Science is the one subject I haven't been asked to teach, thankfully. :)
Can I use my"alonelylife" member's card to get a discount? lol. I only started this year. Great so far.
I like rock music from the 50's to present. However, the 80's music is my favourite as well. All types hard rock, heavy metal, soft rock, new wave, etc.
Was this your first year because you're a pup, or is this a second career for you? Either is admirable. We definitely need more male teachers in school. What got you into teaching?
Actually I'm an old dog lol. This is a second career. I used to work elsewhere for many years. I thought it was time for a change. Too many young people are going in the wrong direction. I want to make my contribution in inculcating positive principles and values in them so that they would lead successful lives instead of gravitating towards the negative values which surround them. I know it sounds a bit idealistic but I'll try my best.
Hey, idealistic is good.
LG, I have watched that show a couple times, on weekends. I miss the old videos.
This is an excellent thread idea. Hello everyone, apparently I'm here for my weekly check-in. *g*

I wish I had more time to spend on here. I feel as if I'm constantly falling behind, and it takes quite a bit of time to catch up on all the posts when I finally do have time to log on. It's still something I enjoy though, and I'm thankful for this site.

We seem to have our share of teachers on here. I once studied to be a teacher (secondary), many years ago; however it was not to be in my path. As of now, I find myself studying yet again. This time not in the educational field though.

As always, I am open to conversation. :)

Wish everyone is well
Hi Vortex,

What pathway did you end up taking and what are you studying now? You are right, there are a lot of teachers here. I wonder if it's because we're around kids all day, not much adult talk, or if we just get bored over the summer, even when we have plenty to do. :)
Hi All. I'm jumping in here. I think this thread was a wonderful idea. There usually are sections in forums for misc. threads. I'm surprised this forum doesn't.

Well, I went to see the new Harry Potter film and loved it. I don't follow the books, only the films. I heard on NPR this morning that there was an outrage against the NY Times for a critic that "spoiled" the book for some. I would like to say that I'm surprised by this behavior but I'm not. People can be so petty.
Hi Colette,

Glad to have you here. I was happy to see all of the negative feedback toward those who attempted to spoil the story for others. I think I'm more supportive to the flack because it was spoiling the story for, not only adults, but mostly kids. You don't spoil things for kids....it should be a law. :)

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