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Hey teach,
Hope you're well. The pathway I ended up taking instead was (and still currently is) working for a charitable organization. Computers are what I'm studying now.

Yes, I find your reasoning of why there are so many teachers here completely comprehendable.

I have to state that I'm quite suprised to find that this thread has not many posts. I expected that I would have a lot of posts to read through in order to catch up, but instead there are not many at all.


teach said:
Hi Vortex,

What pathway did you end up taking and what are you studying now? You are right, there are a lot of teachers here. I wonder if it's because we're around kids all day, not much adult talk, or if we just get bored over the summer, even when we have plenty to do. :)
well to answer cooljohn's question about a squillion...I THINK..the answer is undefined in the Real number system...of infinite..or tends to infinity or sumthing so

and yup vortex i agree, more people should post..its a nice thread idea..this one
Hi Jales and Vortex,

I do wish more would stop by to say hi on the thread. It's nice to have a "coffee chat". :)
Jales, I just don't think I'm going to add the "squillion" term to my list of numbers in the Real number system this year....I can just imagine where that would lead. :)

Vortex, charitable orgs are cool. Computer tech, wow. I don't envy your studying, so much keeps changing.

Anyone finish the new Potter book? Would love to chat about it, WITHOUT spoiling it for others! :)
It would be superior if more would stop and post here. I agree.

Charitable organizations can be chaotic. Overall though, I enjoy my work and find it enlightening. Yes, everything does continue to change in the computer field. I now have many more hours of study to complete because of both Gates and an upgrade of examinations. :D

It's ok though since nothing great in life ever arrives easily!
You are right, although once in a while I wouldn't mind the easy route. :)

Hmmmm....the tv is on...favorite tv shows? I have a few favs. I like watching Hell's Kitchen during the summer. Gordon Ramsay is one of the few redheads I drool over. :) I like Law and Order: CI but only when it's got Gorem and Eames. I love watching House. Hmm...let's see. I think my memory is failing me since we are out of season right now. I'm sure there's more. I was into Two and a half men, but hadn't go into the last couple shows. I do watch a lot of disney channel shows. I have a ten year old daughter...gotta watch Hannah Montana. :)
As I've learned, the easy route usually arrives with consequences lol.

Television, I remember that. :D Aside of watching an occassional movie, I seldom turn on my set. My interest lies mainly in books for which I don't often have time to read, aside of large technical manuals which I've been reading a lot of lately. ;)

teach said:
You are right, although once in a while I wouldn't mind the easy route. :)

Hmmmm....the tv is on...favorite tv shows? I have a few favs. I like watching Hell's Kitchen during the summer. Gordon Ramsay is one of the few redheads I drool over. :) I like Law and Order: CI but only when it's got Gorem and Eames. I love watching House. Hmm...let's see. I think my memory is failing me since we are out of season right now. I'm sure there's more. I was into Two and a half men, but hadn't go into the last couple shows. I do watch a lot of disney channel shows. I have a ten year old daughter...gotta watch Hannah Montana. :)
Hate to say it, Vortex, but tech manuals....yuck! :) I'm an avid reader, sometimes called a book lush, as opposed to a beer lush as I use reading as my vice rather than drink (fewer carbs). :) I will read most anything, as long as it has a good story line and plot. That does leave out manuals. :) I don't even like reading my textbooks, so I never really expect my students to do so.

What was the last movie you saw?
I love math... use it a bit for work.
You guys all teachers or something?

I've traveled alone since i was 18 and even lived in a few cities where I've known nobody. Found living in cities more lonely than living alone in the middle of nowhere though.

I've been to every province in Canada and 7 of the States.
No, I'm not a teacher, although I love math. Unfortunately not using it very much in my line of work anymore.

Since 6 months I'm living alone after 12 years of marriage. In 3 weeks time I'm going to spend a week on my own in London. I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I'm used to travel for work on my own, but this is completely different. Happy to hear from you all that travelling alone can be fun. I really hope to meet some new people.
Hi Lost and Dutch!

There are a lot of teachers on this site, but most are not. I have always wanted to go to Canada, go see a Winterfest up there. Maybe one day. It's a pretty long drive, living in the South, so a flight is probably in order for that.

I've also been toying with the same idea you are doing, Dutch. I've lived with just me and my daughter, who is now 10, for 8 years. (although my kid sister moved in for a short while, but that's a WHOLE different story) :)

Today, I find myself the day after my last class for the summer. My exam is over, I've been able to sleep in (I'm thrilled to be able to keep myself asleep past 8:30, I am just a morning person, so I haven't had the joys many have who sleep til noon.) until 8:15, and now the prospect of having absolutely nothing required of my day. (Except for the menial house chores which I KNOW I should be doing, but I think I might rebel against today, just for today.) I have three movies from Blockbuster, with the easy ability to get more if I choose, or find something that has absolutely no meaning on the tv, and I think that will sum up my day. I'd like to have included some outing with my daughter, but she is away on visitation, so I'm left to my own devices. Could be good, may be on this site quite a bit, who knows.
Teach, enjoy your holiday. Don't do anything you don't really want to do, especially not on those first few days, just enjoy your free time.
You live in the south of the USA? I visited the West several times and the northern East Coast once, but never the southern states. Maybe I should do it sometime.
Yes, I live in the southern part of the US, about 4 hours from the Atlantic. I haven't traveled the US as much as I'd like to. I've only been as far west as New Orleans, and as far north as Michigan. I've been through most of the states in between, but none of the New England states. I would like to get up to Maine at some point, just to look. I also have a pull to one day go to Wyoming. I'm not sure why, other than the hope that there's a lonely rancher out there waiting for me. :)
Maine is beautiful, so many different landscapes, so many woods in the north. Although when it rains it can be depressing, but maybe that depends on the mood you're in.
Wyoming is completely different. I visited Yellowstone twice, it's a great National Park. You Americans should be proud of all the effort that has been put in creating and maintaining these NP's, it's something that took a long time in Europe, and I'm afraid it's almost too late over here to preserve real nature.
However Wyoming is more than Yellowstone, it's a very large state and I imagine it can be very lonesome living there. So think that one over again ;)
You live in a very, very beautiful country. I spent a lot of holidays in the USA, I guess I got quite addicted to the country and to the people. I am so lucky I can take so much time off from work and go on holiday for a long time. Count my blessings.
Wow, you have travelled! I'm very impressed. You are well blessed, and kudo's to you for knowing it! So many don't count their blessings. What type of job are you in? I have a passion for European castles. (Book collector) I have only been to Austria, but to see the castles, in person, I was in heaven!

What do you find yourself doing when you can't travel?
Hi Teach,

However nice and valuable books are, they can't compete with seeing things with your own eyes.

What I'm doing when I'm not travelling? Well, most of my time I spend working;) I work with a large international bank which has its headquarters in Amsterdam. My job consists mainly of analysing figures. Boring to a lot of people, but I like it. It's a busy job. Going on a long holiday takes some organising, but until last year this wasn't a problem.
When I'm at home I like to read. I don't watch much television (until yesterday I was even without one for a couple of months). I don't go out often, although I would like to do that more, but I don't know many people apart from work. That's why I joined this forum. Ok, this is way too heavy for this thread. Let's talk about nice things to do.

Maybe speak to you later (?)
You are right, books aren't enough. I'm an avid reader.
I'm impressed with people who don't watch much tv. I don't know if I could ever do that. I probably have the tv on like most people do with the radio. That's also probably why I don't know much of today's music. :)
I am unable to have either when I'm working, so I guess that's why it's on when I am home. I like to turn to the music channel on the tv and listen to old 80's music.

Having been here in the states, you probably know that new movies typically come out on Friday's. I'm really intersted in, and therefore will go at some point this weekend, going to see No Reservations and the ne Bourne movie. You've heard of both?
I really only listen to 80's music, or some contemporary Christian, like Mercy Me, and Third Day. With the 80's music, any of the British pop groups, American pop, some metal. Some of my favorite groups, and this isn't all of them, are Simple Minds, Pet Shop Boys, REO Speedwagon. I really like the song, Take on Me. I'll belt these songs out while driving. My daughter will sing them with me. I do mean belt, because it certainly isn't real singing. :)
I do feel I've left out some music.....I love to listen to Jim Brickman and Michael Buble makes me swoon. :)
teach said:
That's why I'm here. I don't spend a lot of time socializing with people my age, or adults in general. In the summer I'm usually taking classes, during the school year I'm definitely not around people my age. :) I miss talking to others and so I am here to chat. If you'd like to talk about general "stuff", recent tv show, etc, please talk. If at some point this thread goes into rudeness or becomes mean-spirited, I'm going to stop in this thread, and start another.

I do hope others join me in just talking about every day things.

I like to talk about the out of doors, movies, personal problems, etc so I would be happy to talk to you! What would you like to talk about?

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