I'll drink the pain away

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wow.. I very rarely drink, not even beer.. but I'm surprised that I haven't really been tempted to.. I just don't really like the taste of alcohol.. which has probably been a blessing in disguise for me.. if I were inclined to "like" alcohol I'd probably end up going overboard..
I've tried all sort of things in my quest to kill brain cells. Obviously none of them has ever worked.

I have found that exercise does help a bit. Something about feeling better about yourself and how you look. Also it aids in increasing seratonin levels in your brain...Something we all need in order to be happy. It's certainly better for me than drinking an entire bottle of whiskey.
I was going to post a new thread for this, but decided to add it to the current drinking thread. I am a mild alcoholic and found that it's been starting to affect me even when I'm sober. Over the last two years my drinking has gradually increased. I can't remember new faces very well at all and directions to a new destination take several times for me to learn. Not that I've been really good at either of these to begin with but now I'm really noticing the effects. It could also be part of the reason that my emotions are out of whack & being so depressed. One of my friends told me that 'for someone who doesn't do drugs you forget a lot of things'. Its very scary because I'm only 22...

Anyway I was looking websites up last night about it, here is a link

Even scarier is alcohol dementia which is extreme impairment, typical in older alcoholics, though it can affect younger people too

If you are interested in quitting with me please explore the site, it really gave me motivation.

This brings to mind an alcoholic acquantance I met about a year ago. He was probably in his late 30's and was about as interesting as a brick wall to talk to. He repeated everything he said at least 3-4 times. Maybe he had turrets, but I don't know...

So I made a conscious decision to cut way down...I believe I can do it.
First of all, thiamine supplements (multivitamin) every day. Two drinks a day max (and def. not every day), once a week if there's a party I'll have 4 max. Hopefully my tolerance will go down so I'm able to enjoy fewer drinks. Any different that than schedule and I'm doing no better at saving my brain.

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