I work a part time job for a local public entity and today in the course of my duties I noticed a simply stunning women who was there. I don't usually like giving ratings but she was breath taking, at minimum a 9 out of 10. I though about how even on my so called best days (which are long gone), I would not have had even a sliver of a chance to get to know her let alone have any interest from her.
After she left, I realized that she had been there a few weeks past but with a male partner. Of course, he was model tier himself and they were all over each other like teenagers-in fact, so much so I assumed that they were teenagers until I got a close look and realized that they were in their 30's or perhaps even early 40's (they both look so good it was hard to tell). Seeing couples who are so into each other like that and knowing that you will never be a part of one yourself is an extremely soul crushing experience. I am uncertain which was worse though-perhaps they are equally as devastating.
After she left, I realized that she had been there a few weeks past but with a male partner. Of course, he was model tier himself and they were all over each other like teenagers-in fact, so much so I assumed that they were teenagers until I got a close look and realized that they were in their 30's or perhaps even early 40's (they both look so good it was hard to tell). Seeing couples who are so into each other like that and knowing that you will never be a part of one yourself is an extremely soul crushing experience. I am uncertain which was worse though-perhaps they are equally as devastating.