Vic Sage said:
Lost Soul said:
Vic Sage said:
Lost Soul said:
Cat Lewis emailed me again saying she reported my IP for abuse to my service provider. Probably becuase I subscribed her to a few websites becuase I'm still angry with her.
But we were enemies before that. I ways try to make friends but they either are mean or can't except that I'm different. I have made a few enemies this past year and each time I do, it hurts me badly.
I think from reading your numerous posts that it seems like you haven't gotten a lot of outside help for your conditions, both your autism and what appears to be some personality/mental disorders. I honestly think that the smartest thing for you to do is to take a break and get some treatment for yourself. I think what you're struggling with is going to go far beyond the help some like-minded individuals may give you on a website. I wish you luck.
I see a socoligist who is gonna help me, my next appointment is Friday.
Other then that, I got no help, no friends.
Unless you live in an area out of the way, there has to be an autism support group or something. But I seem to notice two problems, if I may suggest some things. One, you can't live your life as an autistic first and person second. You seem to mention it all the time and go to creepy lengths to explain this. Autism is becoming more common, you shouldn't have to wave a flag around. Secondly, you seem to spend a lot of time online. I've started being on less, and I feel much better. Even if you're alone, you might feel better taking up a hobby like photography, painting, etc. The creative world is full of people with disabilities who use art to make sense of the world.
It's just how my mind works, I make sure that it's important to know or otherwise they'll will want to know why I'm different, I'm used to it now. How else am I supposed to make a friend if they know I'm different and not know why.
I have so much I really need to learn, especially what to do in certain situations and how to communicate properly.
I only went a creepy length to tell Cat who I was and that I registered to the forums or otherwise I was afraid she would expect as just another spambot, but now I don't really care becuase I got my OWN naturist forums, it may not have as many members or posts as she does but it's still my own and if people need to contact me to let them know, I'm easy to contact.