I feel like I hate men when I am confounded by why it can get so darn hard to be myself in a relationship; it's such a minimal request! But I over-rationalize, and get to feeling like the world always wants me to pick between being either a little girl or a bitch, and I get such rage over never simply being welcomed to exist as the whole, wise woman I am.
So I am actively refocusing on myself, realizing that the more I accept myself just as I am, and connect with my deepest wisdom and power, it doesn't matter what 'the world thinks', because in this moment, it's all in my imagination anyway. I've resolved to read this book: "Calming the Anxious Mind" by Dr. Jeff Brantley. I'm into chapter 2 so far, and it's helping me chill out and think clearly much better already. I have to find my own inner peace before even thinking of fully committing to intimacy.
I believe I am in a transition toward a perfectly fulfilling relationship finally ... After all my heartbreaks and pain and seemingly endless suffering, if I can be where I am at today, I believe anyone can be. But first, you have to, as cliche as it sounds, learn to love yourself, and that does mean accepting all (every last atom) of yourself.
Talking about my love makes me sound crazy, but if there's one thing I can't possibly fail describing, it's the very physical effect it has on me, gently lifting the heartbeats out of my softened body. Ahh, I can just touch and smell roses.
I strongly believe that as terrible and pathetic and unnecessary our society makes us feel when we experience emotional suffering, when you prove you have the power to overcome it, and make the changes to be successful in your own life ... that is something intensely profound. When you rise up and reclaim all of yourself, the universe feels it, and changes come about (like in "The Secret"). It is imperative for our life for each one of us to find courage within ourself to follow our heart; and that does mean listening very carefully even when it is only whispering to us under the screaming of an analytical mind.
I'm going to keep thinking about the men/women thing for a long time, so i would be happy to chat about it more at length
it seems to help ... and that is good for everyone