Forsaken-Knight said:
MentatsGhoul said:
I kinda feel embarrassed reading back at this thread and surprised it's still popping up after so long. Wish it would stay buried, I feel like my cringey overanalyzing of random girls looking at me and my stupid use of language aren't that great to look back on, like I've changed so much in such a short amount of time.
Anyway, I've had quite a bit of drama since making this thread. No relationships, but sure as hell went through a lot of **** for having feelings for people. Some of the points still stand I guess, though, I'm honestly confused about life right now. Truth is, I'm not even that shy anymore. I'm just not someone who fits in socially. I can't even go into full detail as to why, it's no one reason, but to put it shortly, I'm just too much of an outcast to meet most people's expectations. I don't have any close friends, I don't go out much, I DO have hobbies and interests, but I'm not one to obsess over them and while I consider myself an intelligent person, I'm most certainly not a good fit for the "academic" type of outlook on life expected by and of most students.
I know trying to get a girl on a date will be tough, and I know for a fact that I won't be able to keep their interest for long. It'll be a challenge, whether I keep waiting for someone I can really focus on, connect with and make it work, or I just try to chat up as many people in general, and maybe ask a few girls on dates when I feel comfortable. Both will require a great deal of social effort from me, and I worry at the end, they'll just see me for who I really am. A bad person.
Dude this is totally the wrong attitude..
"I know trying to get a girl on a date will be tough, and I know for a fact that I won't be able to keep their interest for long"
sure it might be tough..but you need to think positively..negativity is such a turn off....and why do you think your a bad person???
Thats not a great attitude to have either...are you a rapist or an axe murderer?? We all make mistakes...learn from them..
To an extent I agree, but then... I honestly feel like for the most part, it's true. I'm not just a socially awkward nerd or whatever. I'm someone who genuinely has no friends. Even online friends, I'm not able to keep for more than a year in the best of cases for the most part. I'm just completely out of touch with what it means to be socially normal. And to an extent, I don't even want to be. I mean, I've been like that my whole life, I like my freedom and I like being my own person. Yet, this sadly makes me either seen as uninteresting at best, or at worst, scary, shady and weird, leading some people to be outright hostile in how they view me.
And personally, I say I'm a bad person because I've always ended up hurting everyone I've been close to in some form or another. I can't think of anyone I would honestly consider better off for having met me. Perhaps you could say that I strive to be a good person, true. But that's true for 99.9% of people. Most "bad" people don't even realise they're bad. So, in my personal view of the world, it's your actions that matter, not who you idealise yourself to be.
Anyway man, I'm sorry, I don't mean to dismiss what you're saying. I know that I need to focus on the positive more and be more forgiving to myself and other people. Just kind of being cynical right now I guess.