I'm ulgy, help?

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Jul 28, 2011
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I'm very ulgy. I mean REALLY ulgy. I don't have much friends. I get suicidual over this issue. I'm 15, by the way. I tried suicide 4 times. I couldn't do it the first 3 times, but the 4th time I survived my suicide. I also don't want to leave my house, and almost failed all of my classes this year. And I extremely dislike my mother. Even though she takes care of me, I don't like her because she gave me brith (I know I have problems.) Any advice. (I'M NOT CHRISTIAN, I'M BUDDHIST PLEASE DO NOT PUT "GOD" into any advice given,)
Good look is in the eye of the beholder, they say. I don't think you are ugly! You only see it that way. ONLY YOU. Sometimes, I feel very ugly also... But it does not mean that you are ugly if you think that you're ugly. You only think it, it doesn't mean it's true.
I'm sorry, when someone ends a plead for help in "kthx", I can't help but to think they can't be serious.
I'm not touching spiritual beliefs with a ten foot pole, simply draw a line with the suicide thing because to me you sound like a survivor. Draw strength from that, your physical appearance is x% dependent upon genes and thus you have only so much control over it, do not let this facet control how you feel and percieve yourself.
Unless you have a physical deformity then your considered average. And if your considered average then your good! The average person has friends, girlfriend(s) and later wife. You have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is change the way you feel about yourself.

15 as well.

Good luck.
16, close enough.
Don't walk that road or by the time you find people who wanna be friends you'll be too far gone and may drive them away, or refuse to accept their help.
This can only make things worse. you say ugly but you can't be worse than me.
You're only 15, you haven't stopped growing/maturing yet. Our looks and bodies constantly change, some people get better looking as the get older, sometimes good looking people get uglier when they get older. To say you are ugly is your opinion of yourself, since we don't know you or know what you look like. Obviously suicide is not (your) the answer.

Not liking your mother is typical of teenagers, most don't like their parents anyway. I have a student who works with me that is (no homo) not a bad looking kid, he's popular, is just fun to have around, and he always complains how he hates his parents. They are too strict, they don't let him hang out with his friends when he wants to, etc. He thinks they are stupid and lame. My mom was a lot like his parents, I didn't like her much at times but now I understand it. Still think she was way too strict but I get it.

There are all these emotions going through you at this age, it's confusing, frustrating, and just a downright miserable time of life sometimes. Some teens take it harder than others, you seem to be one of those teens. Just try to find something to be happy about, something you can enjoy to help pull you out of your negative moods.
You should talk to your parents about seeking professional help, you need someone to talk to, who can help you with this.
Its a fine line of almost having
cabin fever when u get that anti social.

GO OUTSIDE. The human body needs sunlight to remain Healthy.

Im not really sure what kind of enlightenment Buddha acquired
during the last hour of the night
sitting under the bodhi tree...

The four noble truths....
Turing the wheel of Dharma.
Something about walking the middle path....

mmmm...Buddha wasnt isolating.
He went outside taking the walk
of life. He learned as he went and passed on what he learned to others..
You shouldn't feel this way about life at your age. You're too young. 15 is nothing...that's too early to give up on life.

Appearance isn't everything...and you're only 15, you're still gonna change. Don't concentrate on your looks. I would however advise you to do something about your grades.

Try to confide to someone in real life. There are people there who are there to help you. You really shouldn't have tried to commit suicide at such an early age.


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