The Good Citizen
Imagine if you will an ALL night out... geographically impossible I know, but for arguments sake you win the lottery and fly everyone to your home town.
I could imagine..
Me and Flaneur fighting for control of the jukebox with Hoffy who had put on 30 consecutive Weezer tracks while Pezza defends her honour. Ledia and Sophia educating most of the men in my town what is inappropriate behaviour when addressing a woman. If you believe the universal truth that 'at the end of every party there is always a girl crying' ...I'd imagine Annik will be the one sat consoling her.
Leaning into the Muse breaking out the guitar which gives him the pick of the ladies in my home town (not as good as it sounds LITM), while Lonekiller makes sure the conversation doesn't run dry with new and interesting topics...
Lonely in BC on crowd control (as he looks like he can handle himself)
And Eve and Sci Fi spending the whole evening breaking up all the inevitable drunken arguments.
Oh and AK5 stuck in the car park with a coke and a packet of crisps as he had no ID.
Your thoughts...how do you think it would actually pan out?
*Disclaimer...That is just a random selection of people and in no way meant to cause offence to anyone I have or have not included*
I could imagine..
Me and Flaneur fighting for control of the jukebox with Hoffy who had put on 30 consecutive Weezer tracks while Pezza defends her honour. Ledia and Sophia educating most of the men in my town what is inappropriate behaviour when addressing a woman. If you believe the universal truth that 'at the end of every party there is always a girl crying' ...I'd imagine Annik will be the one sat consoling her.
Leaning into the Muse breaking out the guitar which gives him the pick of the ladies in my home town (not as good as it sounds LITM), while Lonekiller makes sure the conversation doesn't run dry with new and interesting topics...
Lonely in BC on crowd control (as he looks like he can handle himself)
And Eve and Sci Fi spending the whole evening breaking up all the inevitable drunken arguments.
Oh and AK5 stuck in the car park with a coke and a packet of crisps as he had no ID.
Your thoughts...how do you think it would actually pan out?
*Disclaimer...That is just a random selection of people and in no way meant to cause offence to anyone I have or have not included*