"it seems to me most guys wont go near a girl unless she has massive ****s and is sex mad."
Those aren't even slightly what I am looking for
Here are some turn ons for me:
Graduated College or is at least enrolled in college. That's typically very important to me.
A girl with an English degree is a TOTAL turnon for me. One girl I met had an English and philosophy degree, and started talking about philosophers while drunk when I first met her, and I was TOTALLY turned on. Ridiculously so.
Deep thinker- questions existence, life, society, consciousness, can have deep conversations for hours = HOT as hell.
Is easy to talk to and doesn't just wait for you to make conversation.
Likes to go out and do different things. I don't like to just sit around all the time. Being socially capable is a big plus.
I like a girl who will not give attention to guys that hit on them when they're out with me. I've had it happen many times when I've taken out hot girls, and the ones who don't flirt back = HELLA hot.
I like girls who do things like reach over and open the door for you after you let them in your car, or at least mention it. I had no idea I liked this until I was on a date and had a girl appologize to me for not unlocking the door for me. I never expected her to in the first place, and the fact that she thought to say anything was such a turn on I felt really happy.
I like girls who will give you occasional gifts. Another thing I had no idea I liked. I got a chocolate rose from one girl I was going out with and it like made me feel very happy. Huge turnon to know a girl was thinking about you like that. I used to think buying girls flowers or candy was probably pointless but won't anymore after I realized how nice it felt.
Has travel experience = very attractive to me. If a girl has been out of the country or at least to a lot of cities in the US, I like her more. I also like girls who at least want to travel or take roadtrips, and who like to explore even close by. I like to be able to explore all the suburbs around my city and find new places as much as possible.
Likes punk music = huge plus. I can also get into girls who like rock or indie. It's cute when girls will jump around to and sing along with music at concerts.
Dresses a little punk or rockerish = HUGE turnon. Dressing colorful or with leather jackets or having cool died red hair or weird boots can really make me interested. I have a feeling though this has gotten me into too much trouble lol. I also LOVE a girl who can dress like this AND also dress preppy and look hot.
Has a flat stomach. I have gone out with girls who did not, but it did bother me. At least this is fixable though so I won't get totally hung up about it.
Answers her phone or calls back soon. I hate playing games or waiting hours every time, or more than a day for a return call.
Girls who will text things throughout the day = very attractive to me. I like it alot. I had a girl texting me goodmorning every once in a while and I REALLY liked it. I thought it would be annoying but it made me feel really good. Sometimes it would make my entire day. Also, occasionally waking me up in the middle of the night with a text is super cute too. Going back to sleep knowing she was thinking of me is REALLY pleasant, and worth getting woken up for, as long as it's not too often lol.
Attractive girls who call themselves dorks or nerdy. This is very hot to me. I think it's because they're usually not superficial or mean.
Likes to kiss.
Likes to sleep over and cuddle in bed. I love girls who will rest their heads on your chest and fall asleep.
Describes herself as a hopeless romantic. One girl said that she was one to me in a text and I saved the text message- that's how much that means to me. Another girl used to write me letters telling me how much she loved me and I kept every single one, even just the post it notes that said "i love u". A girl who will take walks by romantically lit streams or kiss by fountains or sit and stare at the sky with you as the sun sets etc = KEEPER.
Wears jeans and skate shoes (like vans etc_. I like this better than girls who wear dresses usually. I also like girls who wear preppy sweaters.
Has deep blue eyes. One of the most attractive features about a girl to me is her eyes. If I can get lost in a girl's eyes, I am VERY happy. It gives me chills.
Physically, I don't have a consistent type. Typically I tend to go for girls who are hotter than average though. I tend to like girls who look like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, the singer of Paramore, etc. But I don't have a specific type and have started to like girls I wasn't blown away by initially as time went by. I'm not even exactly sure what my type is and I try to be a bit open.
Usually I like long hair on a girl, and girls who are shorter than me.
Says she doesn't want to have sex the first few times we have gone out. I won't necessarily stop talking to a girl who will have sex the first time, but it's going to make me question her and I would rather she didn't. Girls get hit on sooooo much more than guys that a girl sleeping with somebody on the first date is not even slightly comparible to a guy sleeping with a girl on the first date in my opinion.
Is passionate about something. Seeing passion in a girl is very hot.
Girls who are very warm and show affection, like the ones who like to lean their heads on you, or will grab your hand, or kiss you in public, or just lean into you. Girls who don't do that make me uncomfortable.
Has a bit of a lack of self confidence. I kind of get attracted when I see a girl act vulnerable or unsure of herself or occasionally a bit shy. Not all the time, but when it happens every once in a while I like her more. I've had girls tell me they lacked self confidence or act nervous before and thought "That's totally hot".
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I don't like tatoos. They're not a deal breaker, but I don't like them and am skeptical about most girls who have them.
I cannot relate to a girl who is very religious. I've tried and it doesn't feel right. It makes me feel too superior, and that's not really how I want to feel about some girl I like. I can handle this with friends, because I don't use all my friends for deep conversations. I NEED deep conversations from girlfriends though. A girl who believes in a god but still questions things is probably ok.
Girls who only text. I get very turned off when a girl will not occasionally talk on the phone.
Girls who text frequently when they're on a date with you. It's only cool if you're both trying to find something to do or if the girl wants to tell her friends she's busy and will talk to them later, or wants to answer a quick question. I am totally cool with that.
Girls who consistently take hours to answer a text, or might not get back to you until the next day. It's a *****ng text! Answer it ASAP for crying out loud. I don't care if it's with "I'm busy doing X, I'll get back to you at Y time". There is almost no excuse for not answering a text the same day EVER. Even my guy friends typically answer texts very quickly, so if I girl doesn't, there is something seriously wrong with her or our relationship.
Sex crazed girls. Sex is great, but hell, there is more to life than that. I've had girls tell me they were nympho's before, and I was not impressed. It actually turned me off quite a bit.
Don't really like girls who wear flip flops out a lot. It's not that big of a deal, but it sometimes annoys me and I see it happen quite often at bars and stuff like that.
Openly Bisexual and proud of it. I'm so not comfortable with this.
Has a kid. Sorry, I don't like it. I've dated girls with kids before and it's not ideal. Not necessarily a deal breaker, but it is pretty unwanted for me.
I have a hard time relating to girls who like dance music or who like frequenting dance clubs. I WILL go to dance clubs occasionally but probably am not going to dance or like the music. At a rock show I will jump around like crazy though.
Wants to just stay in all the time. I love to stay in and cuddle and watch TV and stuff, especially during the week, but I have to go out on the weekends at least most of the time or I will go insane. I would also prefer to do something fun at least once or twice a week on a weekday (if not more than that). If a girl tells me all she does is stay in and watch movies, that's a red flag that we're not very compatible.