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lol, i want to smuggle you in a series of teeny boxes for re-assembling here, and chaining in my closet :p

Believe or not, but this is THE sexiest thing I have ever heard from a girl in my life. Emm, my life so far. Well... perhaps besides "are you gonna eat that?" the other day :) Regarding chaining in your closet... Remember to feed me. Healthy as well. But... not past the midnight... have you seen Gremlins? If you haven't yet, then I advise you do that... especially before it can be too late! Unless you want to save humanity and New York... that sort of things.


Yes. Elvis was nothing if we compare him to me. That's why he went back home. Jealous he was, you see :)

and well - i could show you some if you were living around here, but well - you are kinda too far for me.

I do live around you - well, depends on point of view. My round-trip time to you is like... few milliseconds! It's a lightning blazing fast :) Plus, somebody who is more important than me and perhaps even more famous said once "everything is possible" – I bet it was Master Yoda… mmm… anyway... Perhaps one day I can swim across "the big water" and everything will be possible, indeed.

and i don't think the post services will let me send one to you.

That actually depends. Not that I have some experience with smuggling girls in a hand luggage or anything... emm... but... have you tried to send one and describe it as "personal goods" or "personal items"? :) No import VAT, thought :) Oh, and remember to choose FedEx... as all know, even if they crash a plane on a distant island somewhere in the middle of nowhere, pretty much... they will still deliver your parcel. A rock-solid service it is! :p

kwilczynski said:
lol, i want to smuggle you in a series of teeny boxes for re-assembling here, and chaining in my closet :p

Believe or not, but this is THE sexiest thing I have ever heard from a girl in my life. Emm, my life so far. Well... perhaps besides "are you gonna eat that?" the other day :) Regarding chaining in your closet... Remember to feed me. Healthy as well. But... not past the midnight... have you seen Gremlins? If you haven't yet, then I advise you do that... especially before it can be too late! Unless you want to save humanity and New York... that sort of things.


Yes. Elvis was nothing if we compare him to me. That's why he went back home. Jealous he was, you see :)

and well - i could show you some if you were living around here, but well - you are kinda too far for me.

I do live around you - well, depends on point of view. My round-trip time to you is like... few milliseconds! It's a lightning blazing fast :) Plus, somebody who is more important than me and perhaps even more famous said once "everything is possible" – I bet it was Master Yoda… mmm… anyway... Perhaps one day I can swim across "the big water" and everything will be possible, indeed.

and i don't think the post services will let me send one to you.

That actually depends. Not that I have some experience with smuggling girls in a hand luggage or anything... emm... but... have you tried to send one and describe it as "personal goods" or "personal items"? :) No import VAT, thought :) Oh, and remember to choose FedEx... as all know, even if they crash a plane on a distant island somewhere in the middle of nowhere, pretty much... they will still deliver your parcel. A rock-solid service it is! :p


1 - don't worry, i'm sure you'll hear plenty more, lol.

you are way to awesome not to :D

and - i don't really care about humanity and such, but will totally remember to feed you, don't worry. you are of little use to me dead/faited - i want you for the 1337 g33k13n355 :p

and hmm... that.. actually gives me ideas!!! (rubs chin thoughtfully......)
hmm.... world over-run by cute geeks...

there is NO part in this sentence that i don't like!!!

i'm sorry dear, but the kitchen will be only open after half past12 ;P
(mwaaaahahahahaha >:D !!!! )

2 - and i'm sorry. but elvis is/was -
and... umm... how do i break it to you - well he can't quote Bender to save his bloody life, lol - so OFC he was lol!!!

3 - OMG, lol, i wish.
as i said - i will even provide geek girls!!!

4 - the problem is, that i don't think you will want your product after it was crashed on an island, left there for a week, picked up, and shipped again :S


Lonesome Crow said:
It's a part the break up process...don't trip.

Granted. But in my case is different. I have never broke up with anyone. I was never in any sort of relationship.

There's different stages you'll go through.

Yes. But I only know one: hatred. I truly hate them all for what they do to all the good hearted men out there. I hate them for all the suffering in my life. AAA! I can't even express had badly I HATE them!


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