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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
A lot of us sit behind our computers as nameless faceless entities. We can shape ourselves into whomever we like online, sometimes in a bad way. Like all the sicko's out there who prey on weak individuals, may their computer come alive and digitize them into an endless loop of nothingness. But that's not what I want to talk about.

For the past several months I've been playing (what is commonly referred to as an MMO, I'm not really down with all the lingo since this is my first online gaming experience) DC Universe Online. For those that don't know DC is DC Comics who publish comics like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and many, many more. They have built an online game that focuses on this universe and takes place in (fictional) popular locations like, Gotham City and Metropolis, and even the moon. This game is like many others that have come before it like World of Warcraft. With this game you create your very own superhero/villain with a selection of abilities and you can play in this online world, and interact with the heroes or villains of the DC Universe. As well there are several other people all over the world who play the game and you can interact with them. The game is set up with solo missions you can do yourself following a storyline, or you can go on "alerts/raids/duo's/pvp's" with other players. You can even join other player leagues or group up to take on some of the tougher bosses littered throughout the game. Or if you play in the Player Vs Player environments you can fight against other players.

So here I am, in this fictional world with my fictional character, no one knows me or who I am. The world is open to me so to speak. It's like a new life. But what do I do? I play the game like I would any regular video game. I do the solo missions, get my character leveled up and complete all the stories. I've done a few of the group missions with other players. I select what I want to do and wait until there are enough people to play it.

There is a chat system set up in the game, so depending on what area you are in you can ask for other players to help or if they'd like to join in on taking down a boss. Have I ever done this? Yes and no. When someone asks I just go and wait for people to show up. I hardly ever reply, and I've never asked for anyone's help. Same with doing the Duo's with other players. I have this incredible fear of asking others if they want to do them. It's all part of the game, and to get the really good superhero gear I need to do them to get the "currency" required to purchase them.

I'm letting my social anxiety get the best of me in a fictional world where I don't need to be shy or scared. I don't have to be the way I am in the real world, I don't have to be the one who sits there silently as others chat and ask if anyone would like to join in on the fun. I don't volunteer myself, I just sit there wanting to. Everyday I go on the game thinking I'm going to just go for it, but I don't. I can't push myself to do it. AND IT'S A FREAKING GAME!! I'm worried about being an utter failure where others would tell people not to join up with me. Yeah that happens, not me yet since I'm too afraid to even say hi to other people. The most I do is use the emotes in the game and wave at other players.

I know I can hold my own, I might not have the gear some others do but I've done okay in the group missions. Except for doing the group PVP, which I tried the 8 vs 8 so that way if I sucked so bad people might not notice, which I did. I constantly got ko'ed by other villains, and the heroes lost. I felt I was to blame for it even though there were 7 other players on the team.

It's stupid right? It's only a game, who cares what other people think since they don't even know who I am and I'd never meet them. I just can't force myself to do it, and there is so much I want to do. Just last night I had an opportunity to join a group. They didn't even care if other people had the right gear for it. It was for fun and for anyone who needed to complete it. Like me. What did I do? I just sat there as the person kept asking until the spots were all filled.


I was like that when I first started playing those type of games. I didn't want to screw it up and have people dislike me for it. I hate failure and if I was gonna fail, I wanted to do it on my own where I wouldn't screw up everyone else as well.

BUT, eventually I got over it and met a lot of great, helpful people. I've played a few of them, but there's one that I've actually stuck with and I have a few great friends now from the experience. No, I haven't met them, but still. They basically took me under their wing and taught me what I didn't know and I knew if I needed help I could always ask them and they would help me, whether it was a mission or whether it was just a stupid question. They tolerated me until I got better and now I have friends because of it.

Honestly tho, even tho I'm better about asking for help. I still don't ASK strangers for help. If my friends aren't online (which I haven't played for about 2 years now, actually) I'll go where the mission is and look for people starting up groups for that mission. I don't know about yours, but with the game I play, there is ALWAYS someone there starting up a mission and asking for people to join them, so really, what's the point of asking others for your own mission, when it's already getting developed.
i have/had the same problem :p
people asking for players and i was to scared to join em till there were no spots left, hapend to me a lot.
but there are a lot of nice people playing who are happy to help out if you need help.
the rude ones are mostly little kids.

just tell em you havent been playing for verry long when you join someone and they will help you out.
dont let the rude ones bother you, there are ******** everywhere even in online games, dont let them ruin your fun.

Well, the ONLY thing I have to offer is that you have the intelligence to play these games. I can't even get the hang of Wii Tennis. I don't think anyone can say anymore than you have said--it is only a game and you will never meet the people who play. Why not just TRY ONCE to interact with someone. If the anxiety is too great, you can just shut the game down for a period of time. I wish you the best!

One more certainly give excellent advice to many of us on the Forum, so you are interacting with us here. Give that some thought, please.
These things usually come by playing more. Once you get more experience and the hang of it, you'll probably start asking other players for their advice or to join them on some kind of groupquest. That's how it went for me atleast, at first I did everything on my own, all the time, but slowly I started to interact with some people which eventually led to joining some kind of guild.

So don't worry about it, you'll get better at it :)
haha yeah it's odd. I'll play those games and solo my ass off until I'm absolutely forced to join a party. Then feel downright annoyed at the game for making me socialize!

Then I'll have a "wtf" moment as I realize I'm doing things ass backwards. But to be fair it's more the effort involved in finding people to play with that I don't like than doing the playing.
I was invited to join a league and I actually accepted this time. Not that I can do much right now because the character I'm playing isn't a high enough level yet. Then I'll try to join in on some of the missions my league wants to do and see how well I do. :-/ I don't know why I find it hard to be so social with games like these. I know a guy who plays the PS3 version and he does it, my brother plays a game called Aion and he does it.
Limlim said:
haha yeah it's odd. I'll play those games and solo my ass off until I'm absolutely forced to join a party. Then feel downright annoyed at the game for making me socialize!

Then I'll have a "wtf" moment as I realize I'm doing things ass backwards. But to be fair it's more the effort involved in finding people to play with that I don't like than doing the playing.

HA HA, I do the same thing. I made it all the way to the end with one character... still need to finish that (hmm) BUT, I'll need to join a group for that :club:
Last night I got more chatty. :D They shut the world down for "hotfixes" for about an hour. I went back on and when one of the league members logged on I said hi. I was heading to do a daily alert and made a joke about how sad it was that it took me 4 tries. The other member of the league hadn't tried that one at all. I sort of coached him on what to expect with it and he found it very frustrating and gave up. LOL It is at first until you get used to the route. Later as I was getting ready to log out I left my hero in my usual place in the Watchtower. Another player sent me a message personally telling me about new chat channels. Then my fellow leaguer asked if I wanted to do Duo's which I haven't done yet. But I had to decline, it was 11:30pm and I needed to get to bed. So he said we'd do it tomorrow then. :D Very eventful night last night. I'm actually excited for tonight and getting to do the Duo's, though I have no idea what to expect. :-/ I'm a little scared if I fail he'll want to boot me from the league.

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