If you have already err---used the services of an 'escort', this post will be too late for you personally, but maybe it will give someone else something to consider.
Due to the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, the chance of pregnancy, etc, your sexual history is part of your medical history. When you do you meet a woman that you actually develop a meaningful relationship with; before you have sex, she has a right to know your sexual history because of the consequences of having sex with someone: disease, children, etc. Ask yourself, "Do I really want to have to explain to the potential love of my life why I ****** a prostitute instead of finding a willing partner?" This is especially true in this day and age when hooking up with people is easier than ever.
I won't pretend I understand why a man would want to pay for sex rather than go to the extra effort of finding a willing partner. Everyone is different and has their reasons, but I would definitely want to know if a potential partner had been with a prostitute because I would insist they get tested for EVERYTHING. I would also want to know the psychological reasons for seeking out a prostitute.
Someone above (I'm sorry, I don't remember exactly who) mentioned something about it also being harmful to the other person. That's another thing that bothers me about prostitution. Too many of the people who are being paid to provide sex (men or women) have suffered so much emotional, mental, probably physical and sexual abuse, that every time they are with someone, it takes something more away from them. They may not realize it at the time, but given some of the posts of Septicemia's that I've read here, it seems to be true and she wouldn't be the only one. I personally wouldn't want to cause anyone any further emotional/mental harm and that is why I find prostitution, as a practice, so repulsive. This isn't a judgment against those who are or have been prostitutes. Just the thought of using someone so callously just doesn't sit well with me without thought or consideration of their situation. Maybe I just don't like the idea of sex as a business transaction rather than the expression of affection, tenderness and love between two people. But that's just me.
But consider the future woman you might end up with. Do you really want to have to tell her that you were with a prostitute at one point? And even if she doesn't want to know the details of your sexual history, she does have the right to expect that you are disease-free. If you get tested and you're disease-free, then you may never have to tell her that. But some women will want to know the details of your sexual history for whatever reasons they have and they may feel the way I do about it and consider it a potential deal-breaker. I'm not saying you should feel you have to lie in order to not lose a potential love interest: that lie could later become a deal breaker if the truth is discovered, but questioning how you would deal with these sorts of issues before you hook up with a prostitute and how you would potentially deal with them can be helpful to you in the long run. Ask yourself, given the potential consequences, is this really what I need? If you feel it is, then do what you need to do. But if you think you might regret it later, DON'T DO IT.
Good luck.