McDamned said:This is true but it doesnt end there, obviously. If we shine not only does the world notice but we ourselve's notice ourselve's too. This very principle, or mechanism, could be considered the positive equivalent of a/the 'self fulfilling prophecy' as it has the opposite effect on us and on/in the ones we reach as such, it builds confidence and from there derives stability. The trouble with (any amount/sort of) confidence however is that a state of mind isnt constant but fluctuates and it is at such times, when we find ourselve's (thrown) back to ourselve's again, especially when we are alone, we start to doubt our newly gained brightness and could easily fall back a few notches. We should take into account that one's own state of mind will/can make us socially 'desirable'/acceptable but that we, or anyone for that matter, cannot expect it to be of a continuous nature, not in our psyche and not in the eyes of the/any beholder. There will always be (your) lesser days/times, the presence of less loving/occupied people, as there will be the very opposite. In the end it will all be about finding balance and spending enough time with ourselve's to reflect and introspect (yes just like you allready mentioned ).oh-kay? said:The brighter we shine the quicker the world recognizes us.
Hope I make/made myself 'readable' as my english isnt as eloquent as yours.
Thank you for this and I look more for intent than in eloquence. I've seen people tare eachother apart in the sweetest ways.
As I've said life is a roller coaster ride and nothing is guaranteed.
The idea behind having a positive outlook on life is not to just have a positive outlook. It is a chance to learn how to deal with the pitfalls of being human and find the tools which may very well be the single-most important impliment that will provide you with the stability to remain focused when everything around you is falling apart.
What works for me is my own philosophy and it has give me strength to persevere and a flotation device when the struggle against adversity wears me out.
What I've used mostly is the phone to reach those who I know care about me and they know I care about them, to bleed of the negatives and contemplate solutions to the small time catastrophes that seem so menacing when veiwed alone. They tend to shrink, possibly into obscurity when confronted by more than you mind.