There are a lot of reasons why someone could become homeless...
but unfortunately if you actualy go on the street and learn about them, you will find alot of the stories are not that different.
i'm not going to jump too much into this subject because i know my views will be unpopular and also regional, because i doubt that homeless people are the same everywhere you go and I can only relate to those in my expirience.
but i actually know a homeless man.
i'm talking a long breaded dazed and confused guy that stands against a wall with his hand stretched out for hours on end mumbling to himself.
I used to go to school with him, we had lots of similar friends and same crowd!.
he was a typical case of a guy that would constantly make poor choices and took bad drugs and over induldged in everything.
he was NOT a victim in any way. anyone that knows this guy knows full well anything that happened in his life was self inflicted. everyone could see it comming a mile away.
but do people think he needs a few bucks to help him get on his feet? feel better about yourself for thinking you possibly helped someone doesnt actually help him. it just keeps him alive on the street for one more day instead of recieve the real help he needs. he isnt there from being down and out just like alot of them, dare i say most of them. he is there due to mental issues and his mind is gone, whether its from drugs, alcohol or just plain pyscological issues it is actualy closer to inhumane to trickle in a few dolloars by passers by to keep him there sitting in his filth.
do people think he would die if they dont give him money?
you think he went downtown where all the people pass by to die? no. he went there for money to get some crack. if he had absolutely no way of getting money he would be alot closer to recieving help imho.
there is no true reason for anyone to live on the street for long in well developed countries like Canada and USA, but the streets are still full of them in the downtowns of big cities.
ive been down. even lived in my car for a few weeks when i was younger due to harder times. so i know stuff can happen. but it truly is a shame that so many people with mental and addiction issues fall though the cracks and the only help they get is to stay excatly where they are by receiving handouts and a blankey to lay beside the trash with..