ardour said:
How much can you expect from a minimum wage employee who has to deal with arseholes all day. Or are only you are allowed obvious flaws?
if one has a job to do then do it. and this place isn't your personal playground. i've seen your numerous posts here from a supposed "wise" person. they're often pretty simple. but apparently i'm imperfect as are you. or you feel i'm a challenge to you lol. no, i'm not here to "challenge" anybody.
kaetic said:
i hate it when you type out a response and it gets screwed up...
Well now I get to do it again.
Do you realize that everything you replied to Ska just amounts to "They started it"?
If everyone followed your logic, arguments would only ever escalate.
It's one thing to expect mutual respect from a cashier, but swearing at them because they get your name wrong isn't "criticism", it's abuse. Or don't customer service workers count as human in your eyes?
At the end of every one of the arguments you mentioned, some one had to decide to be the better person and walk away. Clearly it wasn't you. You're still living in these moments. The cashier, your step sister, and even the guy at dinner who didn't thrash you were all better than you. There will come a moment in your life when you realize how many people you've pushed away. I feel sorry for you. But sometimes we only learn through experiencing the consequences of our actions. Good Luck.
Did your spiritual church tell you that responsibility is key? i guess it's nice not being genuine or borderline sociopathic. Spiritual churches might teach that we cannot defend our spaces or feel aggrieved when others do stuff. I don't go to them, so I don't care for their unChristian approaches.
I like also how you assume kids act the same way as adults, or should. when you base it on such a small sample size of your own child, who most likely didn't act like some uber-mature grown person all the time. It's also human to do one's job, and see interactions in their context. I've worked in customer service before, and it's my job to serve the customer. You seem a bit detached. maybe your spiritual Bible isn't the entirety of life. I also despise my step-sister since she has been attacking my mother for years for no credible reason. yet by your "saintly morals and engagement" this is correct. Yes, attacking people for no sound reason is seen as commonly ethical in most places, nay most places. and defending my own mother is wrong, since it's abnormal to defend very close relatives. I don't see why you keep referring to this since it's pretty reasonable. Most people would defend their relatives for good cause. I genuinely dont' care if you dislike me or not, but your comically hostile tone for no real reason is funny, and not offensive to me. as for pushing people away, yes, i need unprofessional cashiers, abusive step-siblings, grown-arsed men who bully little kids (which you condone since apparently all medical and life knowledge of humans is immaterial to you) and other toxic people in my life. the fact you keep on using these spiritual techniques to try and **** with me and get some odd subtext is telling too. as are evil people who go around saying "kids are sweet awwwww!!" and then selecting lol. i say they're all sweet, all the time. i know that offends you, but i don't care. i don't take "points" online from online stranger moral hypocrites who are proud of such but then claim to be uber-good.
TheRealCallie said:
More assumptions, I see. You do know you are just continuing to prove my point, right?
then don't insinuate that kids must act like adults, which is pretty silly. You';re saying a supposedly basic human rule doesn't apply to me, yet you're saying you're so inherently decent as a person. I don't arbitrarily apportion rights to random people, since i'm just one man, i don't have that power.