labor day weekend hard to be alone holidays

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Hi everyone Just wondering how do you deal with being alone during a holiday / birthday? I am feeling so disconected and isolated even from my own family. I can go to a cookout Sun. with my bf yet i wouldn't be going if i was n't his gf.
I guess i should try to think more positive about it and go try to be positive yet i feel like in the back of my mind no one there really cares about me or whether i go or not. I'm used to having at least one friend to chum with, or even one of my sisters. Currently, I have no friends and my two sisters are getting more and more distant. I love my bf and he's being supportive yet I'm starting to feel self-conscious about this Like there's something wrong with me, because i don't have plans with a friend/friends or family. I don't want to feel like i'm relying on him to be social yet that's how its been lately.

I hate it when people ask what are you doing this weekend or later they'll ask me and tell me about how they hung out with friends and family. Than i really feel like an outcast.

Does anyone relate? Please share if you do
I would kill to have a cookout to go to, even if I was only a guest of someone invited. There's nothing wrong with you. Personally I've been going to a local 24 hour grocery store (Meijers) just to be around people. How sad is that?!
my one friend who i relied on to get in contact with these other friends -my ex-roomates-. now he's getting distant and the other friends i haven't seen 'em for months. how pathetic is that? go to that cookout.
thanks Guest & husky for helping me look at it in a different way It's all how you look at it. I'm just feelin funny about myself my situation.

I guess I'm afraid of having to rely on my bf
to have plans socially. I've always had friends of my own since he met me and lately it's been hard on our rel. I don't want to be one of those girls that is dependent on her man . on the other hand he is my boyfriend and best friend i should appreciate what i have. Just afraid it's going to stay like this . I feel like it isn't healthy just to be with your partner socially. thanks for the advice i'm going to go!
Guest said:
I would kill to have a cookout to go to, even if I was only a guest of someone invited. There's nothing wrong with you. Personally I've been going to a local 24 hour grocery store (Meijers) just to be around people. How sad is that?!

thanks guest for the advice. What do you do at the 24 hr store? Hang out? Shout the ****? just wondering. At least you are trying.
husky said:
my one friend who i relied on to get in contact with these other friends -my ex-roomates-. now he's getting distant and the other friends i haven't seen 'em for months. how pathetic is that? go to that cookout.

thanks husky for your input. I am going to go got to stop thinking so negatively. you helped me out Thanks SO MUCH
cklove said:
thanks guest for the advice. What do you do at the 24 hr store? Hang out? Shout the ****? just wondering. At least you are trying.

Hi, I'm that guest. I just kind of look around like I'm shopping. Sometimes there are things I want to look at, but I like being around other human beings. I also will go restaurants and eat by myself rather than at home. While I feel really uncomfortable being alone in a public place I feel worse being at home alone.

In the very least you have a boyfriend. Even though I never planned on staying for long with my previous girlfriends, because I wasn't really attracted to them, but still I had always figured that if I was on a deserted island alone with them for the rest of my life I would actually be content with not seeing another living soul forever.

How would you feel if you had absolutely no one in your life but him and then something happened and he was gone.

I think if you love your boyfriend and he is the type of person that is always going to be there for you, then you will have a good time this labor day weekend no matter who you end up hanging out with even if it's no one but him.

Go give him a hug and tell him you love him...

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