Okiedokes said:
I think she's a sweet girl and yes.. I see her helping people on here.. simply wonderful and compassionate advice!
Thank you, lovely Okiedokes, my friend! I can say the same thing about you.
SophiaGrace said:
I am not saying the following to be mean in any way.
But, I feel it needs to be said.
Lady, in my opinion. You should be careful of your giving nature. It seems to have little boundaries from what I can sense, and I feel you might be hurt because of this. Not everyone can be changed or loved into a better person and those that want to take from you, will use your excess givingness to take advantage.
I am not saying to stop caring, because it is a very good part of you, but, instead, to be careful.
Be careful of the ones that will take advantage of it and have their own agendas put forth first. Of people that would take away your caring nature entirely.
Keep your caring nature, but know, that you are important too and take care of yourself first because, if you don't, then you'll have nothing to give to others.
And, don't care for others, and forget about solving your own problems.
You are important too.
Thank you SophiaGrace, for mentioning this. It needed to be said, yes because there are times when I do forget of the boundaries. Having said that, I've been better at trying to give most of my care towards others but then after that detaching and keeping myself back so as not to be too attached. I used to have that problem but I've managed it better now.
Sometimes it does get a bit frustrating when someone isn't seeing your point, but I try not to get it too personal - unless there is a reason to. I'm quite reasonable in that sense but I hope people don't take this the wrong way and think I'm being too much or something. I will stand back if I have to - so don't worry.
You're right mainly though, I need to watch out for myself. I think I've also been trying to run away from dealing with my own issues by focusing on other people... when it's really important that I deal with mine first. This is where I don't do what I preach lol. In most of my issues though, sticking it out and trying to remain positive seems to be the only solution at the moment, so focusing on other people seems to help with that at least. I guess that's the best solution? Well I can only hope.
SophiaGrace, it's very sweet of you to take time and point this out. I do very much appreciate it and take your points into great consideration, and yes, with that I will always try to remember to look out for myself too and to remember that there's a limit to everything. Thank you!
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, many people already have taken advantage of me being too nice etc. As I'm typing this now, I have this issue ongoing and well, that's okay. I give what I can and if they wanna take advantage of it, well, only if I let them or if I let them get to me. I'll still be in control.