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Diana! The Dark Valkyrie cometh!


Seems to be a very viable AP fighter jungler so far, although I've noticed that people are expecting her to tank for reasons that are effectively well beyond me. She seems to be built for damage, with just enough survivability for her to be a bruiser that goes in and smashes face once the tank has taken off some heat from her.

Other initial thoughts about the Moon Lady:

* Natural attackspeed is very strong on her, as is AP. Wit's End seems to offer better survivability, while Stinger offers great CDR and Nashors actually becomes useful for her.

* 21-0-9(ap dps jungler) seems best as masteries for her, with 0-21-9 as a desperation tankier build which can work, but I still don't like the idea,because unlike say, Skarner, she isn't really a tank and has no suppression abilities beyond her pull.

Damage, though....CDR blues, 9x + sorcery gives 10% CDR.

Along with blue, that gives 30% CDR, so W is at 7 seconds. This is important, because the natural refresh means it'll be up for 8 seconds(4 seconds on initial cast, 4 seconds on refresh). Faster shield means less drain , means safer jungling.

* She's a natural with Trinity force & Sheen, she does well enough to proc Q, R, hit, W, hit, etc. Big damage multiplier. Spacing out her Q and W with some CDR in the jungle seems to naturally proc Sheen every two seconds, making it an incredible investment; the AP and mana both help as well.

And yeah, I know that's not her default skin but I like this one better because the splashart is sexier so sue me.
She will be a pubstomper but she doesn't look viable in competitive play. I think people are saying she needs to build tanky because she is an all in champion. When she ults in she has no way back out. All or nothing. Also keep in mind her major cc ability pulls everyone to her so she needs to be able to handle all of that damage. She is Akali without the stealth, Talon without the stealth ult, Trynd without the ult. She basically has the survivability of yi. No one plays yi competitively because as soon as he's on someone he gets spammed with cc/instagibbed. They are only good for picking off lone out of position targets.

Also she is countered by cleanse/qss/spellshields. Just cleanse or shield as she's jumping towards you and her cd doesn't refresh. Cleanse/qss is worth using for a free kill.

Her ganks look like they could be broken op strong after lvl 6 but in team fights I don't see her doing much.
I used to play LoL a bit, but got kinda bored of it as I'm not much into the competitive scene (not just LoL, I generally don't like PvP in any game). I'm not really sure why, maybe I'm just afraid of losing. My brother is the same way though. Anyway, I played Akali a lot back when I was really into it. She was pretty sweet.
kamya said:
She will be a pubstomper but she doesn't look viable in competitive play. I think people are saying she needs to build tanky because she is an all in champion. When she ults in she has no way back out. All or nothing. Also keep in mind her major cc ability pulls everyone to her so she needs to be able to handle all of that damage. She is Akali without the stealth, Talon without the stealth ult, Trynd without the ult. She basically has the survivability of yi. No one plays yi competitively because as soon as he's on someone he gets spammed with cc/instagibbed. They are only good for picking off lone out of position targets.

Also she is countered by cleanse/qss/spellshields. Just cleanse or shield as she's jumping towards you and her cd doesn't refresh. Cleanse/qss is worth using for a free kill.

Her ganks look like they could be broken op strong after lvl 6 but in team fights I don't see her doing much.

Akali that can jungle, perhaps, but her shield gives her incredible survivability if she has good chunk of AP, you have to admit. She's not a dedicated assassin, of course, but she's definitely a DPS that becomes naturally tanky as she buillds AP/damage, so I think that she's going to be quite capable of smashing face. She makes me think of Riven, to be honest, with her ability to just get into the backline of squishies and destroying them.

PlayingSolo said:
I used to play LoL a bit, but got kinda bored of it as I'm not much into the competitive scene (not just LoL, I generally don't like PvP in any game). I'm not really sure why, maybe I'm just afraid of losing. My brother is the same way though. Anyway, I played Akali a lot back when I was really into it. She was pretty sweet.

Losing is fun! Its how you learn to get better, and make others lose. Because winning is the best, no? :D
Hey y'all, I am a 1400ish player. The rest of the post will be for my man-love for Jayce.

He is a hero, an inventor and a protector. He is one of the most reliable champions in this game - send him anywhere but support and he will do. Need a tank? Bruiser? Carry? He can fill any role that his team can use. His toplane is nigh uncounterable apart from a well-played Malphite. He has loads of abilities and a borderline sandbox playstyle.

For me the truth is, no matter the champions before and after him, the 100th one is where Riot really outdid themselves. I loved him since I saw his picture and he has been my main champ since :)
I was an avid player until the sheer number of patcher and client problems between my online friends and I just became too much. I was able to fix several of them once I started troubleshooting on my own instead of listening to tech support (July's 33% and 'unspecified error' messes were fun to figure out and help with), but now two of my teammates can't play at all and the issues are beyond me.

My favorite roles were jungle and solo top. I played a lot of Galio, Rammus, and Amumu last year, but this year was mostly Cho'gath, Nocturne, Nasus, and Alistar.
perfanoff said:
Ahem, you Sir are a coward and a ruffian! :D

Hey! 20+ hours of troubleshooting is a lot of time. :D

And the latest strangeness just makes my head hurt.
Wow, that's dedication! But 20 hours of troubleshooting may have been worth it :D
Out of curiosity, what is that newest thing?
Went back to silver, even though my internet connection is funny like that.
"Oh you just started a LoL game?"
"Time for the internet to stop"

By the way, if anyone's interested,


Not as OP as Yorick!

After going 100+ over in CS versus other champions, Yorick is such a hilarious middle finger to the solo top. If not countered, he's a pure and flat f*ck you.
Nunu works surprisingly well against a lot of champs up there top. Like seriously denying the hell out of them after a few levels. He's one of the few I am comfortable using against a yorick.
Why thank you very much :D
I scored it with wukong actually. He was the champion that I got out of ELO hell with. I have been getting ridiculous scores such as 14-2 every third game or so. He is a true carry, something I hesitate to say about Jayce.

Yorick. I ******* hate that guy. As they say you don't win a Yorick lane.. you survive him. :club:

Nunu seems very strong in the right hands, but for the life of me I would have no idea how to play him. Seems very aggressive and fun to watch.
I actually won a Yorick lane as Vlad, for awhile, but then I got cocky and he demolished me by just charging me headone, despite being vastly behind in creepscore and with two deaths behind him.

I actually just made a spreadsheet with all of Vlad's stats and estimated burst. Damn awesome to see, and helps me feel a lot more confident with him.
He's one of those characters which just presents a problem, and a huge one if he was not kept down during laning; I won a game today where an extended teamfight, I wasn't targetted, so I just kept running back and forth and my AoE eventually wrecked a much more fed team. Yet if focused, its a simple matter for me to pool out, then Zhonya's if focused again. Its just extremely hard to handle him.
Ive been playing Nunu top, support, and jungle, Corki if I have to AD and never have to play mid because someone always plays it.

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