cheaptrickfan said:Tangent: Ok, wth do k, kk and (un) mean?
*sigh* I feel so left out....
And Sanal? You and the fence? Get a room.
ok...ok, ok.....(un) is a xat smiley.
cheaptrickfan said:Tangent: Ok, wth do k, kk and (un) mean?
*sigh* I feel so left out....
And Sanal? You and the fence? Get a room.
Sanal said:Eve said something in a thread like 'bla bla bla never do it again, k?'
We replied with 3 posts
and it got deleted and (un) is a smiley, the one i posted in this thread lol
An archist said:What have you people done to my ****ies thread?!?! This was supposed to be my magnum opis! And you all went and made it in to some sort of half-assed debate. Remember back when things were uncomplicated and it used to be about the ****s? What happened to us? I'm going solo and leaving the band. Our manager says that I'm the real talent in the band and you guys are just holding me back! You've changed. Don't try and stop me!
...........And I'm taking your ****s with me.
RebeccaSarah33 said:lol, just saying... <.< I hope you girls that actually put your breasts here arent the same girls that compain about not wanting to be treated like an object and demand respect... lol just a thought ^_^
i know im gonna get torn up for saying that lol
mintymint said:Nooooo Arch!! Don't go!!! We're nothing but a two-bit jug band without you
But if you must, leave the ****s (un)
cheaptrickfan said:mintymint said:Nooooo Arch!! Don't go!!! We're nothing but a two-bit jug band without you
But if you must, leave the ****s (un)
Nice use of the word "jug."
mintymint said:cheaptrickfan said:mintymint said:Nooooo Arch!! Don't go!!! We're nothing but a two-bit jug band without you
But if you must, leave the ****s (un)
Nice use of the word "jug."
To be honest, it was less about the breasts and more about my titillation with jug bands.