List of Games Owned & favorite of them all

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
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New Jersey
I had Super NES as kid growing up... I wasn't really into video games till I was in my late teens... I went from Super NES to Playstation 2 & now I've had playstation 3 for about 6 years now... I had a lot of PS2 games but when I got PS3, because I got one that wasn't backwards compatible, I got rid of them all... One of my favorite game when I had PS2 was "Hitman" series... I know they have Hitman game for PS3 but I never played it... But more to the point of the title of this thread, I have been playing deus ex: human revolution... I know it's one of the older game, I think it came out in late 2011... Other games I've been playing are, infamous 1 & 2, heavy rain, resident evil 5 but couldn't really get into it, dead space 2 but not really into it, alien vs predator but didn't like it so traded, one of the metal gear solid series but don't like it either, GTA IV but gotten bored with it quick, & some off road racing game that I can't think of the name of... I'm thinking about getting back into hitman series again & I found few trilogy & other packages... I have to say, my current favorite is deus ex: human revolution... I don't know what I'm gonna move onto when I'm done with this game... How about the rest of ya?
Oh man..
Well, I had Super Nintendo first. My favorite games were Super Mario World, the Mortal Kombat ones, Mario Cart, Out of this World, Street Fighter
And then it was the N64..Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing
PS and PS2 and Xbox (played similar games on all)..Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance and Deception, the Tomb Raider games, Gun, Final Fantasy VIII and Fantasy X / X2, GTA
Xbox 360..Skyrim
And currently, I play the original Guild Wars on my computer.
Oh wow, my list would be too big to post.

I still own all the following:

ZX Spectrum
Sega Megadrive (Genesis to you yanks! :p) (+Mega CD) - standout games, Flashback, Sonic, Desert Strike, others I can't recall...
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast - Ferrari 355, Shenmue, must be lots of others
Nintendo Gameboy (Original), Nintendo Gameboy Colour
Nintendo Gameboy Advance, Nintendo Gameboy Micro - Advance Wars
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 64 - Star Wars game - Rogue Squadron?
Nintendo Gamecube - Same as above, Animal Crossing (Purchased import)
Nintendo Wii (Technically my daughters)
Playstation - Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer
Playstation 2 - Lent to friend, never seen again :(
Xbox - Halo, Forza (Disk drive no longer works)
Xbox 360 - Chromehounds, Halo series, Forza series, GTA V / Online

Possibly some others as well, this is off the top of my head :p
I sold a lot of my old computers and consoles for my ex-wife, so it's more a case of what I DID own rather than what I do own.

I have owned at one time or another:

Atari 2600
Atari VCS
Sinclair ZX81
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K
Amstrad CPC 464
Acorn Electron
Atari ST
Commodore Amiga 1200
Sega Megadrive
Sega Gamegear
Sega Mega CD
Nintendo Gameboy
Sega Saturn
Sony Playstation
Nintendo N64
Sega Dreamcast
Sony Playstation 2
Nintendo Gamecube
Microsoft Xbox
Nintendo Gameboy Advance
Microsoft Xbox 360
Sony Playstation 3
Sony PSP
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo 3DSXL

The only ones I still own are the original Xbox, Playstation 2, Xbox 360 and DS Lite. I do my gaming exclusively on PC these days, but I will probably purchase an Xbox One and PS4 when they have some exclusives that I actually want to play.

Favourite games on each system would be difficult for me because I admit to being an addict and owned literally hundreds of games on each computer/console. I will say a few of my all-time favourites though.

Dungeon Master
Jet Set Willy
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Virtue's Last Reward
Just Cause 2
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy VII
Osu! Tatake! Ouendan
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu!
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Phantasy Star Online
Phantasy Star Online v2
Phnatasy Star Online Episode 1&2
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst
Phantasy Star Universe
Phantasy Star Portable 2

There's hundreds of others, but those are what immediately sprang to mind.

Right now, I tend to focus on indie games and rogue likes. I'm currently playing Rogue Legacy, Risk of Rain, Binding of Isaac, Spelunky and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Everyone should try ETS2 - it's strangely addictive.
Has anyone here heard of, or played, either of these:

1) Big Rigs Offroad Racing
2) Street Cleaning Simulator

Batman55 said:
Has anyone here heard of, or played, either of these:

1) Big Rigs Offroad Racing
2) Street Cleaning Simulator


I've seen some footage of Street Cleaning Simulator and it looks awful. To be honest, with the exception of Euro Truck Simulator 2, all of the sims released by Excalibur are mediocre at best.
The consoles I currently own (along with my favorite games) are:

The Original Nintendo, I can’t play it though, wrong cables.
(Super Mario Bros. 3; Crystalis; Castlevania; Double Dragon)

Super Nintendo
(Nearly all of them, but my top 5 are: Mega Man X; Donkey Kong 2; Super Mario World; Super Castlevania IV and Killer Instinct)

Nintendo 64
(Mario Kart 64; Castlevania; GoldenEye 007)

Nintendo GameCube + the Game Boy Player Accessory add-on
(Super Smash Bros. Melee; Resident Evil REmake)
(Mega Man Zero 1, 2, 3 & 4; Mega Man Battle Network; Castlevania: Circle of the Moon)

SEGA Genesis
(Sonic & Knuckles; Jurassic Park; Castlevania Bloodlines)

SEGA Saturn
(I don’t have any games yet :p)

SEGA Dreamcast

PlayStation 1
(Castlevania: Symphony of the Night; Fighting Force; Mega Man Legends 1 & 2; Mega Man X4, X5 & X6; Resident Evil 3: Nemesis; Silent Hill; Lunar 2: Eternal Blue – Complete)

PlayStation 2
(God of War I & II; Sly Cooper 1, 2 & 3; Kingdom Hearts I & II; Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 1, 2 & 3; Manhunt; Ratchet & Clank; Metal Slug Anthology; ICO & Shadow of the Colossus; Resident Evil 4; Final Fantasy X; Persona 3 FES; Way of the Samurai 1 & 2)

PlayStation 3
(Batman: Arkham Asylum & City; Call of Duty: World at War; Castlevania: Lords of Shadow; Dragon’s Dogma; God of War III; Mortal Kombat; Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle; Way of the Samurai 3 & 4; Minecraft; Journey; Flower; LIMBO)

PlayStation Portable
(Dissidia: Final Fantasy; Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)

The Original XBOX
(Fable: The Lost Chapters; Fatal Frame I & II)

There are still a lot of consoles and games that I want to collect, but I’ll have to be patient, because some of them are really expensive.
Currently, I’m going to start playing Dragon Age Origins – Ultimate Edition, then Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and then I’ll play Enemy Front on its release date on July.
Man, I miss Donkey Kong... I remember playing it in arcade growing up... I also remember "way of the samurai"... Not sure which one I had, 1 or 2... Still have Mortal Kombat 9 for PS3... Can't say that's my favorite & it does have some interesting fatality moves, eh? I don't really have big selection of games... I just fine 1 or 2 games & finish them 2 - 3 times over, see if I missed anything first time around... I really feel like a rookie, as far as gaming goes... I don't have anywhere near the stack of games that some of you do...
Binary Domain, Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age II, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Fable Anniversary, Fable II, Fable III, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Grand Theft Auto V, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, Halo Anniversary, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, Portal 2, Red Dead Redemption, Silent Hill HD Collection, Singularity

I still own Halo 2, Max Payne and Max Payne 2 for the original Xbox as well.

My favorite of what I currently own is the Mass Effect series.
sk66rc said:
Man, I miss Donkey Kong... I remember playing it in arcade growing up... I also remember "way of the samurai"... Not sure which one I had, 1 or 2... Still have Mortal Kombat 9 for PS3... Can't say that's my favorite & it does have some interesting fatality moves, eh? I don't really have big selection of games... I just fine 1 or 2 games & finish them 2 - 3 times over, see if I missed anything first time around... I really feel like a rookie, as far as gaming goes... I don't have anywhere near the stack of games that some of you do...

Man, it’s good to know someone else has played Way of the Samurai. I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite series to play and it’s seriously underrated. It’s a series that easily demonstrates how good graphics don’t make a good game. =)

Also, don’t feel bad of not having the stacks of games we have. We are just collectors; that’s all! ;) It’s a hobby we all have in common.
I have too many games on various hard drives and consoles to name them all. I have an NES, SNES, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS3, and I don't have a singe favorite. I tend to like medieval fantasy and science fiction games with RPG elements the most, such as the Deus Ex games, Mass Effect, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, The Witcher, etc.
Off the top of my head (favorites in bold):

GBC: Max, Pokémon Red & Silver
GBA: Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town, Pokémon Emerald, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
N64: Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, F-Zero X, Pokémon Stadium 1 & 2
NDS: The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars Dual Strike, Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin, Pokémon Diamond, Nintendogs
NGC: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader, SSX On Tour, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Metroid Prime, 007: Nightfire, Need For Speed: Underground 1 & 2
Wii: The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Need For Speed: Carbon, Call Of Duty 3
PSP: God Of War: Chains Of Olympus, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, GTA: Chinatown Wars, GTA: Vice City Stories
PC: Mass Effect 1-3, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, GTA: San Andreas, Counterstrike: Global Offensive, Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite, Minecraft, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, GTA IV + Episodes From Liberty City, Age Of Empires II & III, Empire Earth II, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 & 3, Crysis 1 & 2, Dragon Age: Origins, The Witcher 1 & 2, Spec Ops: The Line, Portal 1 & 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Half-Life 2, Just Cause 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Max Payne 3, Battlefield 3, Civilization V, Tycoon City: New York, The Walking Dead: Season 1

Bonus: The Last Of Us. One of my favorite games of all time even though I don't own a PS3. I (binge-)watched a Youtube playthrough of the game like it was a TV series (better than The Walking Dead lol).

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