LoneKiller The "Anti-Christ"?!

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Island Of Patmos
Hello People. I hope this thread finds you all well.

I was at Tim Horton's yesterday having some coffee and playing some casual games of chess with a friend from the club. This elderly woman walked over with this young fella who couldn't have been much more than 7 or 8 years old.

She asked if one of us would play a couple of games with him as he enjoys playing so much. I agreed to a few. Before I go any further, I should tell that I don't take it easy on any player, children or adults. I play my very best every game. I believe that not trying your best is disrespectful to yourself and your opponent. It was just the way I was taught.

After beating him 3 or so games in a row, he started to cry and knocked the pieces over. The lady got mad and said that I shouldn't have been so hard playing him because he's just a little kid.(Little does this lady know, that some of the best players on earth are children.)

I apologized and explained my position, she grabs the kid by the hand and as they were walking away she calls me the Anti-Christ! Can you believe that?!

I salute you. Kids will never learn anything if grown-ups make everything easy for them. You live through your childhood believing you're some kind of wonder kid, and then come crashing down once you get older and realize you never really were. Better to get with reality from the start.

You can never take mothers seriously, though, especially not when it comes to their own kids. Getting pregnant and having a baby will make you crazy; there's even scientists studying the madness happening in your brain once these baby hormones starts kicking. Some women handle it better than others, though, and I do know mothers who aren't crazy. Most of them, however, are, and this is the main reason I stop being friends with women once they start reproducing. :p
Anti-Christ? People puzzle me. I fail to see the connection.
On second thought...
If you think about what Christ actually was.. (Not that I believe that fairy tale..) and you would be the anti- of him, or opposite.. it would mean that you:
-Do not walk on water, or any other liquid surfaces on a regular basis
-Are not able to, at will, transmute any 1 liquid into a different liquid
-Do not miraculously heal people from diseases that would otherwise kill them
-Are not able to respawn within 3 days after being killed/crucified, nor are you able to perform any feats of strength, i.e. rolling boulders around, after your heart and other vital functions have ceased.
-Do not travel along with 12 guys and a prostitute.

So unless you answered yes to any of the above, I believe it is safe to say that you are the anti-christ.

Then again... when you use such standards, we have a lot of anti-Christs and anti-Chrintines walking around nowadays :)
Maybe this way the kid will hate chess forever and start playing warhammer. If so this is a good thing.
Oddly, I always thought the Anti-Christ would commit more serious offenses. Laaaaaaame. You make a sucky Anti-Christ.
nerdygirl said:
Oddly, I always thought the Anti-Christ would commit more serious offenses.

Is is all rather cryptic but my impression also was that it would be more than a chess game with a kid.
nerdygirl said:
Oddly, I always thought the Anti-Christ would commit more serious offenses. Laaaaaaame. You make a sucky Anti-Christ.
Next time I see the kid I'll kick his and that lady's ass. With my luck though, she'd turn out to be some kung fu warlord and wipe the floor with me.

LoneKiller said:
Next time I see the kid I'll kick his and that lady's ass. With my luck though, she'd turn out to be some kung fu warlord and wipe the floor with me.

I would watch, and I would LOL. :D

Minus said:
nerdygirl said:
Oddly, I always thought the Anti-Christ would commit more serious offenses.

Is is all rather cryptic but my impression also was that it would be more than a chess game with a kid.


*Crowd disperses, making "crazy" hand twirls next to their temples*


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