Lonely is Good

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While You're at it about Flatlining, that brings to mind about Christians who flatline. They mention that in their flat line they visit Hell and they notice Stephen Hawking burning in Hell.  So I wonder if the reason that Hawking finds himself in Hell is because he was an atheist?? Is that why??  I don't know so I'm asking.
JJW said:
Finished said:
I died on two different occasions. My heart stopped beating many times and I flat lined. I experienced absolutely nothing. I remembered nearly everything up to the point of loosing consciousness and then after regaining it again. But, the 1990 movie Flatliners was entertaining to watch.

Maybe you didn't die enough.  Next time stay dead long enough to see the tunnel of light...but don't go there.  Come back and tell us about it.

Ha! ha! Yeah, there's always an excuse when someone doesn't see the magic runway lights that don't really exist.

August Campbell said:
While You're at it about Flatlining, that brings to mind about Christians who flatline. They mention that in their flat line they visit Hell and they notice Stephen Hawking burning in Hell.  So I wonder if the reason that Hawking finds himself in Hell is because he was an atheist?? Is that why??  I don't know so I'm asking.

I think Stephen Hawking is needed in hell. Everybody down there is super depressed about it and don't want to do any work. So, the devil can point to Stephen Hawking and say, you think you've got it bad. Think about him. Now shovel some more damn coal.
Some Christians even insistently claim that they saw The Beatles John Lennon burning in Hell.  Was that because of those times that Lennon used to harass Catholic nuns?
I certainly understand what Fin said in the other thread about his Co-workers who kept stressing him out so much that he finally decided to shut himself completely off from the outside world.  And this is why many decide to become Buddhist monks, so they can leave behind all that heavy baggage of stress and instead lighten themselves with a life of serenity.
Of course they have to leave behind many Pleasures too. But it's not really a sacrifice at all. Because after all, pleasures
such as pornography can become boring anyway, as some of the posters have pointed out.  So leaving behind those Pleasures can be actually a Relief.
Although Fin mentioned it in a separate thread, I felt it more pertinent in this other thread because he mentioned the advantages of being alone.  As he said, from being alone he can come and go as he pleases. He can do whatever he wants and whenever he wants.  The same with me because I live alone too.  So solitude is good, from what Fin said. I agree.
MsIslander said:
How interesting that many mindset gurus and writers who are actually idolized by many in this society, they always say: "Human's nature is to be with someone. If you still think that being lonely is ok for you, means you are lying to yourself." I heard that many times. Hell, I disagree. I love being lonely and alone. I am not against to have friends, but I am all up to live on the island where is no or very little people, doing gardening, reading books and swimming in the ocean. Of course, some stuff I can't reject and live in full isolation, like the internet, Netflix, but still, it's good to be a lonely lion. :) 
You certainly sound comfortable in your condition. Glad that you love being lonely.
It depends on one's definition of being lonely. Many have shared that being alone can be great! Others have shared that being lonely is good too. However, some people feel real pain being lonely.

adjective, lone·li·er, lone·li·est.

1. affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
2. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support, etc.:a lonely exile.
3. lone; solitary; without company; companionless.
4. remote from places of human habitation; desolate; unfrequented; bleak:a lonely road.
5. standing apart; isolated:a lonely tower.
Interesting that so many here on the forum feel so desperate to get a relationship.  Because the way I myself got a relationship was when I was not even looking for one at all.  But I went with the flow and I had fun (Thanks,Teresa). The relationship ended but I don't mind at all, because I had fun.  And from having had that experience, I can at least say that I won't be left wondering what it would be like.
As I said, I was not even looking for a relationship at all but I found one anyway. So how ironic that those who don't need a relationship are those who get it--whereas those who are so desperate for one, don't get one. Do you think that the reason is because those people are TOO desperate? In other words, maybe it's that aura of desperation that turns off people.
August Campbell said:
Interesting that so many here on the forum feel so desperate to get a relationship.  Because the way I myself got a relationship was when I was not even looking for one at all.  But I went with the flow and I had fun (Thanks,Teresa). The relationship ended but I don't mind at all, because I had fun.  And from having had that experience, I can at least say that I won't be left wondering what it would be like.
As I said, I was not even looking for a relationship at all but I found one anyway. So how ironic that those who don't need a relationship are those who get it--whereas those who are so desperate for one, don't get one. Do you think that the reason is because those people are TOO desperate? In other words, maybe it's that aura of desperation that turns off people.

It's a good thing that this is not the real world otherwise one would get stoned for saying something like that. Ha! ha! But, there is some truth to it. Most people are attracted to others who are confident, which is just about the opposite of desperate. But, that's just one small part of the process. This forum is filled with threads about all the other more valuable qualities needed. 

Thanks for the link, Fin.  That link really flabbergasted me, that there are Seven types of loneliness!  Evidently the emotion of loneliness is way more complicated than I thought.
Social people can meditate too. You don't need to be a loner to meditate. You can take a break from your social life for 10 or 20 minutes a day to meditate. Isolation or being a hermit is different. It's an opportunity to understand life and your true identity. Think about two types of people. One of them shares her problem with her friends while crying her eyes out. Her friends trying to find a solution to her problem and trying to calm her down. The other person faces her problems by herself. She sits with her pain, she goes inside and find her own answers. Who is wiser than the other one?
Winter Fire said:
Think about two types of people. One of them shares her problem with her friends while crying her eyes out. Her friends trying to find a solution to her problem and trying to calm her down. The other person faces her problems by herself. She sits with her pain, she goes inside and find her own answers. Who is wiser than the other one?

People can do both of those things.  Sometimes, you just need to "cry" it out with friends and then find your center again on your own.

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