Looks theory

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One thing I didn't understand but I let go until your last reply... where you demanded people have to watch the video before they can reply. What exactly does it have to do with "looks and dating"?
Well, I shouldn't need to connect the dots for people, but for the sake of context, i will.

She states that 85% of the 'successful' suicides in the world are men.

Top reason for suicide, feelings of un-worthyness. Top things to feel unworthy of, women, employment, life.

Women clearly have an easier time getting men than men do women in the modern age. When's the last time you saw a 'Men's night' sign at a bar or club, or a dating site that's free for men, but not for women? This isn't a debatable concept, it's pure fact, I've been studying it for years.

I even put up a female profile on a dating site a few years back just to test the theory, and in the first night, 20 replies. Keep in mind, there was no picture, no interesting or unique information, just cliché crap like 'I love my family, and my dog, and I want a man that's the same'.

As a man I've revamped my dating profile countless times throughout the years, picture, no picture, nice, forceful, goofy, passive.. Hell, one time I even had this girl I know redo my profile to see if the issue was just me. I have not received a single serious message from a woman, IN DECADES..

I know you're probably gonna say that 'those 20 messages were probably spam bots and/or messages from trashy guys that just want a quick no-ties hookup.'

Still, even if that is the case, with the latter anyways, at least it's human attention of any sort. I remember my mother complaining if she hadn't 'gotten laid' in several months, I've gone four separate decades of my life without a woman (2.5 to be fair, since I didn't really need one when I was five, and it's not abnormal not to have one b4 15). Tried with a man for a bit in my early 30's, didn't care for it. See, even I can get a man, lol.. Women are the 'commodity', men are expendable (at least that's what we're taught by the mainstream media and the actions of society).

What it comes down to is, would you rather a lot of ****** options as a woman (with chance for something good), or no options at all, as a man.

And Callie, if good looking women can't find A man, they aren't trying, or like I said, they cray cray. I don't mean find a good man, I mean, find one at all. The dating process for women is like putting out resumes during a huge hiring boom, nearly everyone's hiring, pick what you want, then hope you like the job. For men it's like putting out resumes during the great depression, no one is hiring, and the few that are will pick and choose whether you're good enough to work for them, and will fire you the second you slip up.
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Because she hit me with a typical 'men don't have problems' feminist reply. She clearly didn't watch the video. It just irritates me when people only take the politically popular, or bias route, and refuse to accept any information that opposes those views.

The lady in the video actually was one of those, but due to her job, she had to view all parties with an equal oversight, and was surprised with what she found.
Um, I never said anything of the damn sort. Pretty damn ******* sure I specifically said MEN have those problems too, just women have them more. Learn to read.
So women who pick abusive, ****** men are wrong, but yet women who don't pick abusive, ****** men are also wrong? Yeah, okay....

Also, men are perfectly entitled to have standards, but women are not?
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Blah blah blah

I'm not wasting 15 minutes of my life on that ********. I replied to YOU, not the damn video.
Then why should I waste any time replying to you? The woman in the video is a feminist, she's on YOUR side (and you won't even listen to her, so I'm clearly wasting my time trying to get through to you), but the difference is, she doesn't close her eyes to men's issues, and walk around plugging her ears and going 'blah blah blah', like an ignorant child.

BTW, you're still not a likeable person, you've got some ways to go towards that.

Also, statistics are very often skewed in the direction of whatever is politically popular at the time. For one, with men being told to 'man up' all the time, and being raised to think that sex is the best thing ever, and not a punishment unless it's done by another man, and even then, they're instilled with the sense that they should just man up and get over it, or not talk about it or their feelings because they're men. I imagine there's a much larger percentage of men that don't report when they are raped, as opposed to women, which are fed the victim mentality, and told to express their emotions, and that it's OK to do so, for their entire life.

As well, I imagine the statistics on abuse don't include children. Male children ARE much more likely to be abused than female children (and what do you think hurts a person's inner growth more, and has more of a domino effect on their entire life, being abused as an adult, or as a child?).

But really, pay attention to facts, or don't partake in a conversation in which you are clearly lacking vast amounts of knowledge in. I said to watch the video because it can explain in 15 minutes, what would take me a lot longer to type out, and from a feminist perspective at that. It wasn't a demand, it was a strong suggestion. You're free to not say anything (on this thread), rather than throwing your ignorant opinionated crap around, with minimal basis in facts.

I am fully willing to debate any topic of which I am well knowledged at length, and to even admit when I'm wrong in certain areas. but not with someone that's so clearly biased that they refuse to listen to anything that may prove their side wrong. Of course that isn't to be taken as 'women don't have issues', or any hit to the relevance of those issues, but merely that men's issues are brutally under-polarized. Just because we're not nearly (typically), as vocal about our issues as women are(typically), doesn't mean that women have it worse by default.

As with many things in society, it really does go on a case by case basis, but as for which gender has it worse as a whole, the only fair thing to say is that both sides have it equally as bad.

Really though, it's text on a forum, and I'm not exactly a government official; so where do people get off assuming I'm demanding anything. People have free will to do what they like, I just ask that people don't try to argue things that they know next to nothing about (beyond the biased propaganda from the vocal minority).
You aren't willing to debate anything, which is why you are always throwing insults and rude (and usually wrong) assumptions around in nearly every damn post you make. And you have the nerve to say I'm the one not likable?
Well, I shouldn't need to connect the dots for people, but for the sake of context, i will.

She states that 85% of the 'successful' suicides in the world are men.

Top reason for suicide, feelings of un-worthyness. Top things to feel unworthy of, women, employment, life.

Women clearly have an easier time getting men than men do women in the modern age. When's the last time you saw a 'Men's night' sign at a bar or club, or a dating site that's free for men, but not for women? This isn't a debatable concept, it's pure fact, I've been studying it for years.

I even put up a female profile on a dating site a few years back just to test the theory, and in the first night, 20 replies. Keep in mind, there was no picture, no interesting or unique information, just cliché crap like 'I love my family, and my dog, and I want a man that's the same'.

As a man I've revamped my dating profile countless times throughout the years, picture, no picture, nice, forceful, goofy, passive.. Hell, one time I even had this girl I know redo my profile to see if the issue was just me. I have not received a single serious message from a woman, IN DECADES..

I know you're probably gonna say that 'those 20 messages were probably spam bots and/or messages from trashy guys that just want a quick no-ties hookup.'

Still, even if that is the case, with the latter anyways, at least it's human attention of any sort. I remember my mother complaining if she hadn't 'gotten laid' in several months, I've gone four separate decades of my life without a woman (2.5 to be fair, since I didn't really need one when I was five, and it's not abnormal not to have one b4 15). Tried with a man for a bit in my early 30's, didn't care for it. See, even I can get a man, lol.. Women are the 'commodity', men are expendable (at least that's what we're taught by the mainstream media and the actions of society).

What it comes down to is, would you rather a lot of ****** options as a woman (with chance for something good), or no options at all, as a man.

And Callie, if good looking women can't find A man, they aren't trying, or like I said, they cray cray. I don't mean find a good man, I mean, find one at all. The dating process for women is like putting out resumes during a huge hiring boom, nearly everyone's hiring, pick what you want, then hope you like the job. For men it's like putting out resumes during the great depression, no one is hiring, and the few that are will pick and choose whether you're good enough to work for them, and will fire you the second you slip up.
I'm not debating anything really, but yes if you want people to get your point you will have to connect the dots and actually make your point. I had no idea that was what you were getting at. I thought you were just saying something about preconceptions.
And also the woman said she's not on anyone's side any more, taking sides means some one is always the enemy and you tend not to listen to enemies. You have to be open to all points of view to resolve issues like these.
You aren't willing to debate anything, which is why you are always throwing insults and rude (and usually wrong) assumptions around in nearly every damn post you make. And you have the nerve to say I'm the one not likable?
Um, I never said anything of the damn sort. Pretty damn ******* sure I specifically said MEN have those problems too, just women have them more. Learn to read.
And then you quoted me as saying "blah, blah, blah".

While it's true that the person that speaks the most isn't necessarily right (based on that alone); you are clearly not making the best case for yourself.

And also the woman said she's not on anyone's side any more, taking sides means some one is always the enemy and you tend not to listen to enemies. You have to be open to all points of view to resolve issues like these.
there are certainly males that go through all that as well, but the majority is still females.

Pretty much the equivalent of saying "yea, men have issues too, but women still have it worse.".

One of those "I'm not taking sides, but I still have a side." stances.

I even said at the end of my last post:
As with many things in society, it really does go on a case by case basis, but as for which gender has it worse as a whole, the only fair thing to say is that both sides have it equally as bad.

To which she just threw accusations and gave the basic one sentence "I'm right, you're wrong, shut up now" style of reply. Then says that I'm the one that's not willing to debate.. Try longer than two sentence replies if you're gonna hit with that argument.. And have the replies actually have anything to do with the topic instead of just throwing shade. Or actually respond to any of the points that I've made.. Kaetic, how are you even defending her at this point? Please tell me that you're not just being a 'white knight' because she's female. Cuz you know, any self respecting woman hates being sided with/protected purely because of her gender.

But I suppose you did make a good point with:

I'm not debating anything really, but yes if you want people to get your point you will have to connect the dots and actually make your point. I had no idea that was what you were getting at. I thought you were just saying something about preconceptions.
This is why autistic people have difficulty socializing with neurotypicals. Because while we will put in the time and think several angles around any given point, neurotypicals will only see what's on the very surface. It's like seeing the full spectrum of colors vs only seeing in black and white. Not to say that NT's can't see the full spectrum of colors, but most choose not to. This is why they do say, ignorance is bliss.

And just for the record, I do know full well about the issues that women deal with as well, all of them. How could I not, nearly every show on TV these days is laced with female gender politics, and women shouting about the male patriarchy. Admittedly, on a personal level, I think that men have it much worse than women on average, just from what I've seen in my lifetime. However I do not allow my personal feelings on the matter to interfere when making an intellectual argument of any sort. And therefore my stance on this topic, and any other similar topics, will always be that both genders have it equally as bad.

So yes, both my personal and intellectual side become irritated when people act like women have it worse. Especially when they won't even take the time to watch a 15 minute video, or give any insightful replies, but do take the time to throw **** like a monkey at the zoo.
Kaetic, how are you even defending her at this point? Please tell me that you're not just being a 'white knight' because she's female. Cuz you know, any self respecting woman hates being sided with/protected purely because of her gender.

Are you assuming that I'm male?

Also, I'm not defending anyone. Callie doesn't need rescuing. I was correcting your statement about the woman in the video still being a feminist.

This is why autistic people have difficulty socializing with neurotypicals. Because while we will put in the time and think several angles around any given point, neurotypicals will only see what's on the very surface. It's like seeing the full spectrum of colors vs only seeing in black and white. Not to say that NT's can't see the full spectrum of colors, but most choose not to. This is why they do say, ignorance is bliss.

I don't know if it's an autism thing or not, but it sounds like over-analyzing something and then getting irritated that other people can't follow your unspoken train of thought.

She states that 85% of the 'successful' suicides in the world are men.

Top reason for suicide, feelings of un-worthyness. Top things to feel unworthy of, women, employment, life.

I don't recall the number, but I'll take your word for it. (I really should be sleeping by now, so I'd rather not take longer re-watching the video) But that is only one thing in a long list that she mentioned, and then to make the leap that most of the suicides were based on unworthiness because of relationship issues? And that the relationship issues were because of rejection based on being unattractive? No, your typical reader(viewer?) would probably not be able to "connect the dots". Especially because the video was about getting past your bias and actually listening to what some one else is saying, instead of just looking for the next argument. Which, btw, seemed very relevant given you're arguing with some one on a forum... and it seems like neither of you really wants to see the other's side of things.

Would you call using that video as an argument irony? :ROFLMAO:
Hypocrisy might work too.

Also, I want to be clear... did you just call me ignorant? I
Hmmm...I sense a disturbance and a thread closure in the Force...

I won't watch the video, but I don't think it's arguable that it is much easier for women to pick up men than the opposite, just by examining statistics.
That being said, I'm not quite sure how gripping about it will change anything. I don't like my income tax rate of 50%, but if I complain about it everywhere, it still won't go away. I'll just come off as a bitter taxpayer who hates his government, while the vast majority of taxpayers don't have a problem with it.

Of course, doesn't really matter one way or another to the author of the video; he makes revenu for every click, so he's probably happy.
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Please tell me that you're not just being a 'white knight' because she's female. Cuz you know, any self respecting woman hates being sided with/protected purely because of her gender.
You have a lot of nerve calling random people her "white knights" for simply agreeing with an opinion on the Internet. Pretty sure they were agreeing with her points on their merit, and not "just because she is female." Try not to assume things about people you don't know personally, because you know, the real world doesn't work like that.
I don't think the point is that things would change with this info, but rather that the info is known and accepted instead of dismissed.
You have a lot of nerve calling random people her "white knights" for simply agreeing with an opinion on the Internet. Pretty sure they were agreeing with her points on their merit, and not "just because she is female." Try not to assume things about people you don't know personally, because you know, the real world doesn't work like that.
Yea, because you and everyone else reading this knows exactly what the term 'white knight' means, because it's not a stupidly common thing in the 'real world'. Actually, if anything, it's even more common online. I've seen many people make 'female' gamer profiles online just to get more people to help them out. Or people on Xbox make posts in the clubs 'add me, I'm female'. .etc.

And hell, if you wanna talk 'real world', there's this woman in the states that got off with murdering her very young daughter because she pulled the female victim card.. The Jury couldn't convict her without potentially being painted as 'incels' or w.e. Even with all the evidence stacked against her. Now she's walking free after drowning her little girl

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