LoneKiller said:
Regardless of the way you went about it.....
I agree. The way i went about it was not the best, but if it was, then there was nothing to improve anyway, don't you agree?
Yeah, i know that second thing, needing help can be tough to accept. I experienced that a couple of days ago on here as well, with Poguesy then. But it did help and change me, and i'm still very grateful for that to him. That's one example then, but i get what you mean indeed. Thank you alot, as well, LK.
9006 said:
Understand? Sorry, Rosebolt, but I just don't have patience for adolescent behaviour.
If that were true you probably wouldn't have responded to this thread in the first place. That would probably have been a better choice, don't you agree?
But then i'm immature for trying and succeeding to change myself for the better. You must be truly enlightened to have gotten past that.
You amuse me. Please, sir, **** off.