Magic Mushroom trip report

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Here, this article sums up my thinking perfectly lol
Scroll down if you want to read a boring text of personal reflection lol

Gentlemen (and lady :D ), to be fair, Joturbo raises valid points.

However, the approach which is being taken and understood in many countries now, considering enforcement of drug policies, is that in several cases, the war on drugs that has been waged for, what, 60 years? has cost a fortune to limited success. In essence, situations such as the above have more or less been created because of it's lack of success. As such, focus is shifting into regulating drug distribution, in the hopes that, if it's controlled and regulated at the governmental level, it will lead to a better control of distribution, a decrease in illegal distribution by criminal elements, since anyone with a valid reason (or even no valid reason) will be able to access some in a regulated way. In essence, the War on Drugs hasn't solved the problem, let's try something new.

They hope to make a dent in the earnings of organized crime, much as was done once Prohibition ended in the 30's, so as to have it to a better extent disappear. And since they are the main reason why our children end up with said drugs in their hands, it might very well be a safer approach. This is by no means an attempt to render all drugs easily accessible, legal and able to be purchased and used without restriction, far from it. But as a means of controls, if your supplier is the governement, who also has access to various programs and specialists on drug abuse and can refer someone with a real problem to treatment faster than any criminal element ever could (or would), it IS a valid approach to the problem.
I'll admit I share Joturbo's fears. I've also known people who have suffered drug abused. I've worked at a drugstore as a manager for many years, where we had the governemental Methadone program for ex-opiod abusers, some of which were under 18 years of age. And were getting better and not dying with needles in their arms, because they were refered to such governemental programs. I have my druthers....but I know the exchange solution is well thought out and not devoid of logic.

The real problem with drug use has always been criminal elements who will sell any quantity to anyone. Which of course, would not be the case of governemental suppliers. Which is why they want to decriminalize it and, such as in the case of my governement, distribute it; they get the money (ha, of course they do, greedy bastards...) but at the same time keep drugs out of our children's hands and give services to those who have succumbed to it.

And I do not believe it depends on the drug itself, far from it. I think anyone can get addicted to anything. I do believe it depends on the user. As I've stated, shroum users, cannabis users are, for the most part, responsible users. Because they themselves are very much aware of the risks involved and have limited themselves in some way, shape or form (in the sense that I doubt Kamya or anyone else would have a Shroum trip say, 10 minutes before work). A child would not, nor someone with a real addiction problem and having the governement intervene could very well help them eliminate the problem, which they can't do spending their days in a jail cell...

As an example, before Prohibition, alcoholism in youth was a very dire problem, which while it has not entirely disappeared, is by no means as extensive as it was back then. It's the same hope with decriminalisation. It is not an attempt to legalize all drugs, posession will probably still be illegal without valid medical prescriptions, but it is an attempt at regulation. And, as stated as an example in Portugal, it works. To what extent, that remains to be seen, but considering that addiction in the young is increasing, particularly of dangerous drugs like Fentanyl and others, I'm all for seeing if this will work.

I doubt this will happen with say, Cocaine, or Opium, or some of the harder drugs, any time soon.
So I am for decriminalisation. I have reservations, but I'm all for it. Specifically because I don't want drugs in the hands of children.
I know looking at it from someone not familiar with the problem, it looks like backward logic. But it's not. It protects regular users, recreational users and non users in equal measures in my opinion.
Paraiyar, you do you. You know what you can handle. Just be careful with the things you expose yourself to...mentally as well. Try not to push the drug agenda so this thread doesn’t get shut down cus I think there was a similar thread I read & responded to in the past that was warned by Mods to not glorify drug use or something like that.
But I’d like to keep reading your experiences & live vicariously through you, since I have no plans to try shrooms at all. I’ll stick to herb :)
Richard_39 said:
Actually, just to be precise, drugs were decriminalized in Portugal, they did not make them legal;

It's not quite that. Drugs are still illegal in Portugal, but the penalties were changed from a possible prison sentence into an administrative one (meaning fines, meaning money cost) for those who have more than a week supply. Possession is still a finable offense. Penalties including prison sentences still apply to drug dealers and all the shebang.
I suggest it's the fact that the fines cost a bundle that contributed to the lowering of od rates, because the ability to procure some has remained the same. Not to mention the fact you get to be on the receiving end of an intense intervention therapy plan to eliminate the drug usage. I remember there's a social worker and a psychologist involved, because I read it in the papers back then and I'm not reading that whole wiki thing again without a second coffee LOL! There's also probably the fact tha tpolice enforces a lot less. It's what we're seeing here with marijuana. Lots of cops don't stop you anymore unless you're smoking it and creating a disturbance.

Unlike in Canada, where if current trends continue, we'll see a governement funded plan to sell cannabis at least and make it legal, but only for medicinal purposes. We'll see what comes out of that, but so far there is a plethora of opposition from several health specialists and provincial organisations who urge the governement not to legalize it until people have a better understanding of it's effects. Still a lot of myths among the population, it seems. Enough that the SAAQ (Société d'Assurance Automobile du Quebec, basically the goverment guys who control driving rights) had to post this as a reminder to people, who claim that smoking marijuana has no effect on driving faculties. Which is scientifically false.
Although it's a minor issue to me, marijuanna is by far a lesser problem right now for provincial police than GHB is, when it comes to consuming of drugs while driving.

Anyway, sorry. I tend to stay away from this debate because I have, and I admit that, preconceived notions about drug-use (I wanted to be a cop :D). I personally believe however, that everyone is entitled to whatever they want and if that entails having 12 lines of coke each night, fine by me, as long as they don't give me some or hold me at gunpoint for the money to it (which has happened). But it's not the first time I've heard spoken of Portugal and just wanted to point out to say drugs are decriminalized there is not completely accurate. Not in the sense that you can smoke a blunt on Main Street and no one will look twice.

I just think that governements are starting to realize that hitting someone's wallet works a lot better than jail time. It used to be that way in Montreal with alcohol; people walking around town with a bottle of booze in a brown bag would ALWAYS pick to spend the night in a cell. Once that stopped and they issued a 300 dollar fine instead, 'lo and behold, amounts of people arrested for public drunkedness dropped like a rock.

Still. I've heard 'shrooms and acid to be a lesser evil than some of the more hardcore drugs. I don't have a particular problem with that if it helps people. Most people who do those anyway, unlike say GHB or Cocaine or Heroine, have shown themselves over the years to be responsible users, if statistics are any indication.
And I've very impressed by your little report lol. With the amount of imagination I have, I couldn't try that, it'd kill me. Way back when I did some marij and it didn't do anything for me, whereas I find a bit too much liking to booze, enough that I don't drink anymore save maybe once a year. So I'll have to steer clear of all the rest, because I'll get hooked in four seconds FLAT lol.

EDIT: Hehe, found this, if you want to laugh. Here'S the drug problem and how to fight it LOL!
Funny how their solution to the problem is "buy our books" :D

I did say Portugal decriminalized and not that they legalized. Still, I think legalization would be preferable for a lot of drugs. Even with Meth, it's criminal status means that the street stuff is a lot worse because it's typically cooked by amateurs.

By the way, if cannabis didn't do anything for you then I'd suggest it's possible that you weren't inhaling properly. I used to think pot didn't do much for me until I tried a gravity bong and got a proper hit. Now I think it's a far superior drug to alcohol, especially for personal growth.

Joturbo said:
Ok that's fine.I'm not going to read your evidence because I like to go on my first hand experience of drugs.Maybe I'm just to traditional and conservative .Hopefully I'll never see the world that you wish for.Probably best we agree to disagree because drugs I believe are a different animal to drink...a very dangerous one.

Ask yourself this: how often do you think the police are called out to domestic violence disputes as a result of people smoking pot? Now ask the same question in relation to alcohol.

Cannabis has never, ever killed anyone through an overdose, it isn't even possible to take enough for that to happen. Can't say the same for alcohol.

TheRealCallie said:
Is there anyone in the world who can say they don't know someone that has or has had a drug problem?

I don't have an issue with whoever using drugs.  Have at it, I can't stop you.  However, it almost seems like you are promoting it and if it's as terrifying as you said, why would you want to do it?  Wouldn't it be easier to just to be a thrill seeker or something?

Hi Callie.

Magic Mushrooms can also be incredibly healing and as I said in the trip report, I didn't actually find this experience terrifying at all. Plus it changes your way of thinking and exposes you to experience that are impossible for real life to replicate. The interesting thing here is that while a lot of people can't understand why I'd want to do this sort of thing, I can't understand how anyone could be content with the repetitiveness of everyday existence when they could be experiencing something totally new and incredible.
kamya said:
Joturbo said:
Hi Kamya your assumption is wrong.....wait until so one close to you is badly effected by drugs then come back and push your pro drugs devils advocate argument............

I have had people close to me die from drug use. But, they definitely weren't just smoking weed or doing mushrooms.

So, again I ask, what drugs specifically are we talking about here? Do they have anything to do with the topic or are you just lumping all drugs together and making blanket statements here?

Yeah exactly, "drugs" is a huge category of stuff, a lot of which has nothing in common with each other.
Cavey said:
I used to take a bit of acid. It was awesome at times, terrifying at others. It turned me left handed for hours... which was interesting. I watched my Super Nintendo melt and peed in technicolour. I'd look at the clock, think for what seemed like hours, look back and a couple of minutes had passed. However, in the end, it really messed me up. It left me an emotionally-crippled wreck. I had vivid, horrific flashbacks for years. I don't believe that experimenting with hallucinogens is a very good idea - no matter how amazing they might seem at times.

Regarding flashbacks:
Paraiyar said:
kamya said:
Joturbo said:
Hi Kamya your assumption is wrong.....wait until so one close to you is badly effected by drugs then come back and push your pro drugs devils advocate argument............

I have had people close to me die from drug use. But, they definitely weren't just smoking weed or doing mushrooms.

So, again I ask, what drugs specifically are we talking about here? Do they have anything to do with the topic or are you just lumping all drugs together and making blanket statements here?

Yeah exactly, "drugs" is a huge category of stuff, a lot of which has nothing in common with each other.
Hi Kamya and Paraiyar I apologise if I've wound you both up about drugs .The thing is I don't tend to separate drugs because I try to block the whole subject off in my mind because drugs be it cannabis or coke or whatever effected my family in a big way for many years.I understand now it's good for you and that's fine but to see your first child hit rock bottom after you've done everything you can to safely bring them up was very painful for me.Also someone very close died because of them which I also block out .I promise I won't comment on your posts about drugs anymore because being ignorant about it I understand does not help .I suppose your report just brought memories back  .If you still don't believe me Kamya I'll pm Sc-Fi about how drugs caused great upset and death to my family and in- laws when I get back from work and you can talk to him which I'm not prepared to do on an open forum because I like my privacy/anonymity.
Paraiyar said:
I did say Portugal decriminalized and not that they legalized. Still, I think legalization would be preferable for a lot of drugs. Even with Meth, it's criminal status means that the street stuff is a lot worse because it's typically cooked by amateurs.

By the way, if cannabis didn't do anything for you then I'd suggest it's possible that you weren't inhaling properly. I used to think pot didn't do much for me until I tried a gravity bong and got a proper hit. Now I think it's a far superior drug to alcohol, especially for personal growth.
Hehe, no, not for me. I did mention that I have a lot of imagination, so I'm staying away from drugs. I know myself enough to know I'll get addicted in about 4 seconds. Hell, I'm already a drug addict; nicotine. If I go more than 8 hours without a cigarette, I'll rip your face off, your dog's face and HIS dog's face if he has a cigarette on him. I've tried kicking it more than once and finally gave up trying. I did lower, I'm at 1, sometimes 1/2 packs a day now. It used to be 2 to 3....
So I know something about my problems with addiction. Booze was also a thing for a time. I probably wouldn't be able to financially survive another one and I'm pretty sure I'll like it. So I'll stay away ;-)
Actually, I had three joints in a row. A friend of mine gave them to me. Tried that on two seperate occasions while trying different activities. Only thing it did do for me is make me hungry (which isn't that much of a change from the usual lol). I was expecting to feel relaxed, or euphoric, or SOMETHING. I had a conversation years latter with my father about that, turns out he had a similar experience. I expect it might have something to do with our genetic chemistry in some way, who knows. So I scrapped the project lol.
Ironically, I can't stand the smell. Whenever anyone smokes it nearby I feel like throwing up, the stench is repulsive. Never understood why, considering it's general concensus it stinks less than a cigarette. But you know, at this point in my life I'm used to being an odd duck, what's one more thing, right? ;-)

I don't know. Like I said I have my druthers and have some "old school" pre-conceived notions on the subject. I'm not confident it'll actually work. But still, I like the direction things are taking right now. My main concern is avoiding unecessary addiction in the young and I think legislations like in Canada right now and in Portugal are headed in the right direction.
Also, for the heavier drugs, state-financed FREE injection sites. Discarded needles is a huge problem in my province right now. And yes, it should be decriminalised for the heavier drugs, so as to be able to focus on dealers rather than consummers. Dealers have always been the major problem, especially with children. My daughter, when she was 13, was offered some at school and told me about it. We had talked enough about it for her to say no to it, but that grim reality is a reminder that current enforcement policies do not work.

Decriminalised, mind you, not legalised. That's what I mean by pre-conceived notions on the subject lol. But, you know...hell if I know if they're correct or not. So I remain open.
Joturbo said:
Paraiyar said:
kamya said:
Joturbo said:
Hi Kamya your assumption is wrong.....wait until so one close to you is badly effected by drugs then come back and push your pro drugs devils advocate argument............

I have had people close to me die from drug use. But, they definitely weren't just smoking weed or doing mushrooms.

So, again I ask, what drugs specifically are we talking about here? Do they have anything to do with the topic or are you just lumping all drugs together and making blanket statements here?

Yeah exactly, "drugs" is a huge category of stuff, a lot of which has nothing in common with each other.
Hi Kamya and Paraiyar I apologise if I've wound you both up about drugs .The thing is I don't tend to separate drugs because I try to block the whole subject off in my mind because drugs be it cannabis or coke or whatever effected my family in a big way for many years.I understand now it's good for you and that's fine but to see your first child hit rock bottom after you've done everything you can to safely bring them up was very painful for me.Also someone very close died because of them which I also block out .I promise I won't comment on your posts about drugs anymore because being ignorant about it I understand does not help .I suppose your report just brought memories back  .If you still don't believe me Kamya I'll pm Sc-Fi about how drugs caused great upset and death to my family and in- laws  when I get back from work and you can talk to him which I'm not prepared to do on an open forum because I like my privacy/anonymity.

You don't have to prove anything Jo. I believe you.
Psychedelics are fascinating. I haven't done any for more than thirty years but this thread has reignited the old urges. LSD, peyote and mushrooms...all very interesting. I wonder where I could get some where I live? All my dope contacts are long since lost.
constant stranger said:
Psychedelics are fascinating.  I haven't done any for more than thirty years but this thread has reignited the old urges.  LSD, peyote and mushrooms...all very interesting.  I wonder where I could get some where I live?  All my dope contacts are long since lost.

You live in a rural area right? Might be able to find Shrooms in cow dung or something.
Don't quote me on it but I'm sure someone told me you can use it on your garden veggies instead of horse poo...the cow dung I mean ;)
Richard_39 said:
Danielle said:
I haven't taken a trip in almost 15 years.....

Me neither.
If we both finance, I hear Cuba is wonderful this time of year.


I completely understand the desire to escape reality. It's how I became an alcohic for 5 years. So, whether its alcohol, drugs, porn, gaming or what ever your prefered method of escape I think the concern is the reasons and frequency of your need to escape reality.
Seahorse said:
Richard_39 said:
Danielle said:
I haven't taken a trip in almost 15 years.....

Me neither.
If we both finance, I hear Cuba is wonderful this time of year.


I completely understand the desire to escape reality. It's how I became an alcohic for 5 years. So, whether its alcohol, drugs, porn, gaming or what ever your prefered method of escape I think the concern is the reasons and frequency of your need to escape reality.

Shrooms aren't physiologically addictive so the danger there isn't really like alcohol. I have fairly long gaps in between use so I think I'm okay in that regard.
Paraiyar said:
Seahorse said:
Richard_39 said:
Danielle said:
I haven't taken a trip in almost 15 years.....

Me neither.
If we both finance, I hear Cuba is wonderful this time of year.


I completely understand the desire to escape reality. It's how I became an alcohic for 5 years. So, whether its alcohol, drugs, porn, gaming or what ever your prefered method of escape I think the concern is the reasons and frequency of your need to escape reality.

Shrooms aren't physiologically addictive so the danger there isn't really like alcohol. I have fairly long gaps in between use so I think I'm okay in that regard.

I heard that too. I don't know enough to know if it's accurate or not, but you're not the first person that tells me so either. SO i imagine it's accurate.

Sadly, I can never try lol. I'm an excessive person, that's why I smoke like a chiney and barely take alcohol anymore, because I was on my way to becoming an alcoholic a long time ago lol. I'm afraid that if I try it, and like it, I'll do some every night. Besides the fact my wallet won't survive, it probably wouldn't be good for my health to get so hooked. And I get hooked to lots of stuff like that that isn't even addictive.

So I guess I'll have to live vicariously through reports like yours lol.
Richard_39 said:
Paraiyar said:
Seahorse said:
Richard_39 said:
Danielle said:
I haven't taken a trip in almost 15 years.....

Me neither.
If we both finance, I hear Cuba is wonderful this time of year.


I completely understand the desire to escape reality. It's how I became an alcohic for 5 years. So, whether its alcohol, drugs, porn, gaming or what ever your prefered method of escape I think the concern is the reasons and frequency of your need to escape reality.

Shrooms aren't physiologically addictive so the danger there isn't really like alcohol. I have fairly long gaps in between use so I think I'm okay in that regard.

I heard that too. I don't know enough to know if it's accurate or not, but you're not the first person that tells me so either. SO i imagine it's accurate.

Sadly, I can never try lol. I'm an excessive person, that's why I smoke like a chiney and barely take alcohol anymore, because I was on my way to becoming an alcoholic a long time ago lol. I'm afraid that if I try it, and like it, I'll do some every night. Besides the fact my wallet won't survive, it probably wouldn't be good for my health to get so hooked. And I get hooked to lots of stuff like that that isn't even addictive.

So I guess I'll have to live vicariously through reports like yours lol.

I don't think that would be a danger for you here because they aren't really the sort of thing you do on a nightly basis, rather they're something you do and end up wanting to take the time out to think about and integrate the experience. Plus if you manage to pick them yourself then they want cost anything.

But obviously if you don't want to do them then that is that.'s not necessarily I don't want to, honestly. Because above all else, I AM curious.
But I'm more scared lol. Especially if I like it.
But I probably will someday, if only just to see what it's about.
Thankfully, I didn't like weed. That would have cost me a bundle.
Paraiyar said:
constant stranger said:
Psychedelics are fascinating.  I haven't done any for more than thirty years but this thread has reignited the old urges.  LSD, peyote and mushrooms...all very interesting.  I wonder where I could get some where I live?  All my dope contacts are long since lost.

You live in a rural area right? Might be able to find Shrooms in cow dung or something.

Yes I live in a rural area but psychedelic mushrooms aren't native to mid-west USA.  Psilocybe cubensis et al are tropical species native to Central America.  My friends and I in college tried growing some back in the 1970's but we didn't have the proper lab technique and the growth medium became compromised with bacterial blooms.  I'd like to try again.....I wonder if the spores are available?  Maybe online....I must look into it.

And psychedelic tripping isn't really escapist doping that's habit forming or addictive.  It can be just recreational and it can also be a means of personal exploration and spiritual inquiry.  Don't buy into that line?  Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion....

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