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I listened to bits of your podcast, your voice sounds professional. It felt like something off Discovery Channel.
Dawnlover said:
I listened to bits of your podcast, your voice sounds professional. It felt like something off Discovery Channel.


I'm imaging something like a nature show, but about nerds.
Some of you expressed interest, but couldn't gather up the courage to record. Well, we are doing a winter holiday episode, and are asking people to participate.

You can share a holiday memory, sing a song, tell a joke... really, we'll welcome just about anything you'd feel comfortable doing, because we don't want you to feel excluded.

Want to participate, but you're short on time? Not only is even the tiniest 10 second clip useful content for us, but it's a step toward self-confidence for you! Of course, you are welcome to go a couple of minutes. If for any reason you want to share, but cannot make an audio file, you are welcome to write in, and we'll read it for you!

You can find out more by sending me a pm or going to the link in my signature. :) We hope you'll join us!
Randomly reminds me of the vocal's voice from Nightwish :)
I'll send you a something, nerdygirl, time permitting.
I just listened to some of your podcast's and your voice is quite amazing. If I had a voice like that I would never stop talking lol
I was imagining a news reporter lady.
I suspect that my voice would make people fall asleep during the news. Well, some people. Other people might get excited, which could lead to strange fetishes.

Me: "Today's story- four men robbed a bank, killing two people and a seeing-eye dog..."

Some guy at home: "Oooh, yea" *** *** ***...
I've been pretty shy on the forums since I joined not long ago but I decided to jump into trying the podcast thing with Nerdy. It was pretty fun talking to her, she's awesome. I was a tad bit nervous before she called me on Skype but she made me feel really comfortable and it was just really easy to talk to her. If anyone else is interested you should really give it a try. I'll be on her winter holiday special and I know Nerdy is going to make sure I don't sound too silly. It may seem scary but you can talk to Nerdy about anything, she's really nice and only a little scary! Jking she's not scary at all. :D
Awesome I'll be looking (listening) out for that one! Well done both of you! I’m currently on the seventh episode of my own podcast though recording has stopped this month due to my co-host having a bad cold and me not being able to record from where I’m staying. This podcasting lark is addicting stuff once you get going!
Hey, guys... It turns out I'm not going to be out of town as I'd expected to be. So if you want to participate, let me know! I've got time through Sunday night if you want to get on Skype for a few minutes and record with me. If you're too shy to record, you do have the option of just writing something that will be read by us.

Also, for those of you feeling lonesome on Christmas, please listen to the episode- even if you don't want to record. One of the biggest reasons I'm asking for you guys to get involved is so you can have a way to feel a little more connected.
Seems like a very nice idea. I might be up for this in the future as I have a huge problem with talking in front of people but am pretty comfortable with phone and skype conversations (even in groups) - as it's my appearance causing the distress, not being seen takes away a lot of it.

I guess the only problem for me is that I'm not a native english speaker and while I know the language well, I have a pretty distinct accent and also I easily get lost or can't come up with the right words when talking in english. So maybe it isn't so good for this concept of podcasts - I'm not even sure exactly what they are to be honest but I'm assuming you talk about subjects or in this case, discuss them with you?
I'd like to become more open about my fears to people I really care about. And not try to push everyone away. I notice during parts of the day I feel as if I should punish myself. I need to stop doing this. I want to change this.
I can talk it's just when I'm around a certain girl because I am afraid of saying something stupid
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and inviting you to listen to the latest episode. A couple of people from ALL make appearances!
I would like to be on it, or talk to someone in general. I'm very self conscious about my voice so i don't like to talk to people because of the fear of rejection. I can easily say rejection is my biggest fear and that it holds me back. I hope that i could get over my fear, but i know that kinda stuff doesn't happen over night.

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