You may have worded this inaccurately or I’m interpreting it inaccurately, but just living your life in a way that is meaningful to you will make it great and wonderful. But I agree that a reason is required, (for anything that requires motivation) and that could be as simple as saying to yourself, “I’m here and alive, now let’s see what I can make of it” to all the major goals people have in life as far as riches and fame and power are concerned. Little things make life meaningful; helping others, enjoying nature, sharing moments with another, inventing things, whatever warms your heart and pleasures the soul. Anything that gives you a feeling of satisfaction really. Because it doesn’t necessarily have to have anything to do with another person, just the sense that you as a living being have lived and carried your being from birth to death in such a way that you feel like you’ve done your part, for yourself and/or others.