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Oct 29, 2022
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Hey! I'm Asher. I guess the reason I've never fit in with anyone else is because I give off wierd vibes or something. I always tell people my favorite hobby is whittling, but that's a lie. My actual hobbies involve collecting bones and learning survival skills. I listen to a wide variety of music ranging from metal to movie soundtracks. My favorite band is The HU (Mongolian metal band).

As I usually do when introducing myself online, I'll write out 2 truths and a lie, but I won't tell you which is which.
1. My favorite food is raw steak
2. I own 4 didgeridoos
3. I don't have any pets

I hope I can find my people here.
Welcome. From your hobbies, you don't sound that weird.

I'm going to guess #1 is a lie because you are vegan :p

Welcome to ALL
Cheers and welcome! And I agree with Callie - you don’t sound weird at all, rather unique and interesting. Collecting bones and learning survival skills are quite common hobbies too - you should just be honest about what interests you. 😊

I’m going to guess #3 is a lie - you do have pets, but not a conventional pet like a dog or cat. Maybe a snake of some kind or a lizard, or perhaps a spider?
Welcome to the forums.
Welcome to the forums! Purely for symmetry, I’m going to guess #2 is a lie, you own 4 zithers.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Weird is the flavor of the day.

I hope you find a spot here. Seating is wide open.

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