Lonesome Crow said:Like...wtf
I told him women date multiple people
At the sametime. Its 50/50 with the sex.
Tried to share with him that i dated
Different chicks for over a year before
My fiancee got together.
Just fucken around with the ****s shots.
I got serious balls posting T and A shots...
And had to take a tine out.hahaaa.
So...thats my fiancee on my avitar...
Shes the bomb
Kimi got her good looks N ****s from her mom.lol
The thing of it is Putter is attracted to certain type
Of women....
If its not her, itll be someone like her.
You can get all the therapy you want,
It aint going to fix him.
It might serve him better if he is
mort well equipped to handle
That type of women.
WHy men love Bit bes.
My fiancee can be the most living woman
In tbe world ,but hell has no fury like her scorn.
When I broke up with Jenn to be with Renae.
My mother undersfood me.
She said JENN was too nice for me.
We wkukd spilt like oil and water.
Renae and I are more compatible
On a lot of levels...
Renae also understands me more
Than anyone...
Ive. Nevered dated Renae.
It was always BF and GF right off
The bat...ive nrver had to court her.
People can give advice all day long..
but when your in a relationship....
When a fight or argument happens
Between couples...which it will when
2 people live together....
Its not fucken Disneyland..
Somewhere along the line....you must
Learn how to make peace or make up
With your partner.....
whether you forgive, let go, get over it..
You gatta grow these fucken balls too.
Standing on your moral high grounds
Will get you no whete, when your partner
Make mistakes..esprcaillu if your
Patner wishes to move forward.
Would you rather have peace and love
Or would you rather be right?
I was looking thru all our facebook messages last night. It was never very good, a few nice moments in 2 months of crap.
It reminds me when I got my first job. I was unemployed for 7 years and I got this crappy job, working late night in a shop. It was a terrible job but because it was my first job it meant the world to me and dominated my thoughts. This girl is like that. She was a crap girlfriend but because she was my first, I'm making a big deal out of her. I truely didn't think I would ever meet anybody or get a date. Hopefully better and nicer girlfriends will follow.