
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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user 191138

Active member
Jul 11, 2024
Reaction score
I’m not sure if this is a shared experience but I’ve come to a place in my life at 34 that feels impossible to break out of… the mundane, the need for purpose… it all escapes me and the days just drown into each other. I deal a lot with loneliness and confusion in my personal life but portray the exact opposite. I find it difficult to make new friends and crave care so much but only seem to reflect it. Has this been an occurrence sped up by our isolation through Covid or was it meant to happen anyway with our lack of closeness outside of our screens? Looking for love and support -Grizel
Oh yes, very shared. There’s plenty that has been suggested on this topic if you read some of the threads.

Welcome to the forum Grizel.
Thanks for the reply, I was getting a little sad that no one had anything to say on my thread but I’m comforted in knowing that some of us are going through it together, just far apart.
The new members section doesn't really get a lot of traffic, so that's a lot of the reason you haven't had many replies in here.

That said, you are definitely not alone. Are you doing anything to try to get in a better place....volunteering, joining clubs, church if you're religious, putting yourself out there to meet new people?

And welcome to ALL :)
Welcome Grizel.

"I deal a lot with loneliness and confusion in my personal life but portray the exact opposite."

I definitely relate to that. I never show that there is anything wrong with me either. I just don't think people care to know even though they ask. It's unhealthy to bottle up emotions and not talk to anybody, thats why therapy exists I guess. There is an upside to it though. Over the course of my life, I've learned to fend for myself (mentally and emotionally at least) and I've become more self reflective as a result.

Anyway, just thought I'd share since what you said spoke to me. Hope I haven't misinterpreted your words.

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